The Profitable Photographer

089: André Amyot- 50 Years of Wisdom
There is a lot to share about Andre Amyot, as he has been a photographer for over 50 years.
He served in the Canadian Air Force for 10 years as a photographer and opened his first photography studio in 1974, eventually grossing almost 2 million per year. He created the "Photo Coach" business system and has taught to close to 2000 photographers during 18 years across Canada, US, Belgium and France.
Luci Dumas and Andre have a relaxing back and forth conversation and chat about the following topics
1-Listen to your instinct…trust your gut…big and small inner guidance
2-Be aware of what is happening, what are the challenges and where is the knowledge you need
3-Find a mentor
4-Tips-understanding the fact that you should learn business
-why are you a photographer?
-why are you a photographer in business?
5-Focus on how you can SERVE people
6-For established photographers-we can be more set in our ways. Be flexible…try things…look for advice
7- Why we should keep in touch with your customers
Andre is offering a free ebook, From Passion to Profits
Contact info
1 514-978-8486