The Profitable Photographer

225: Mark Campbell - Notes on 40 Years of Success in Photography
Can you imagine what it takes to have the same “job,” or at least work in the same industry for 40 years? This week’s guest on The Profitable Photographer Podcast is here to give us an idea of exactly what it takes to do just that. I am so excited and honored to introduce first-time guest, Mark Campbell to you.
Not only is Mark an extremely talented photographer, but he also happens to be the current vice president of the Professional Photographers of America. Mark is also a speaker and mentor and was even Adobe-certified for a period of time.
His specialty? He doesn’t have one! In fact, Mark is known for specializing in anything and everything related to the photography industry. In his own words, “I learned how to do literally everything that was asked of me across all genres of Photography.”
Listen in as Mark and I discuss:
- what it takes to be a photographer, and the importance of commitment, education, and niching
- how to know it’s time to raise your rates
- the importance of connection in the photography industry
Interested in learning more from Mark? Here’s where you can connect with him:
- His website:
- On Facebook:
- On Instagram: @prepho58
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