The Profitable Photographer

221: Jeffrey Shaw - Exploring Self Doubt for High Achievers
Self-doubt is one of the ways we entrepreneurs suffer and slow ourselves down on the way to success. And my fabulous guest, Jeffrey Shaw is literally writing the book about it. His goal is to help high achievers achieve everything they want to, and to help self-employed people, like you and me, have the confidence to set big goals and go after them.
I am so pleased to welcome back to the podcast, my friend Jeffrey Shaw. I say welcome back, because four years ago when I started The Profitable Photographer Podcast, Jeffrey was one of the first people I had to have on the show after seeing him speak at The Professional Photographers of America expo and reading his book, Lingo. He was actually episode 15!
Now, four years and over 200 episodes later, Jeffrey is back!
Not only is Jeffrey a photographer, but he is also an author, speaker, mentor, authority, and advocate for self-employed individuals. He’s spoken on TedX stages, has published multiple books, and has even been featured on Oprah!
He has two wildly successful books already and lucky for us, is giving us a look inside the new book way before it is finished…sharing his wisdom again on The Profitable Photographer Podcast. Because as Jeffrey says, “If you are brave enough to be self-employed, you are by definition a high achiever.”
Get ready to listen in and be inspired to tame those fears as Jeffrey shares with us:
- where self-doubt comes from
- the consequences of letting self-doubt be in charge,
- 3 components of self-doubt
- how to manage self-doubt
Interested in learning more about self-doubt from Jeffrey? He has not one, but two free gifts for us! The first is his Self-Doubt Survey and the second is his Self-Employed Assessment.
Want to connect with Jeffrey? Here’s where you can connect with him:
Photography Business Coach Luci Dumas’ Programs and Contact Info: