Diederik's Beach Bar

Diederik's Beach Bar

#32 – Kyle Meyr – Photography & Porsches

November 17, 2020

Kyle Meyr is a professional photographer and a Sony Ambassador from Norway. Previous appearances: Episode #24.

Self-taught and adventurous, Kyle began his professional life as a journalist. With the addition of a camera in his toolbox, the itch and drive to venture further and shoot more, quickly became an addiction. Starting in the ski industry, Kyle worked his way deeper into the adventure, action, and commercial photo scene as time went on.

He currently works out of Oslo, Norway, but you’ll find him hunting far and wide for the best action and adventure mother nature has to offer.




00:00:00 – Covid-19 & life in Norway00:16:33 – Photographing Porsches & Lamborghinis00:31:00 – Camera & gear talk00:59:40 – Adventure photography01:07:45 – Movie & book talk01:23:27 – Social media & the old internet01:47:20 – Car talk & final tips from a pro

Follow Kyle here


Recording details

Recorded on October 16, 2020; in Rotterdam, The Netherlands and Oslo, Norway. Recorded using the RODE RodeCaster Pro and RodeCaster Pro microphone.

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