The People Teaching People Podcast

The People Teaching People Podcast

020: Connection & Inclusivity Through Movement with Kailey Beddoe & Jilaine Beddoe

May 23, 2023

Kailey and Jilaine are an incredible team whose partnership, which you will learn in this episode, started at horse camp many years ago when Jilaine was actually Kailey’s camp counsellor! Community, connection, accessibility, and inclusivity are their foundation for creating a space and place for people to move, learn, and grow.
Kailey & Jilaine are friends, family, and lovers of movement, people and deep connection. They believe in goodness, growth and that everything is better in community. They are both Mommas, each with two beautiful little humans, who are their reason to be better and to do better everyday.
Together they co-own Junction 9 Yoga & Pilates, a studio located in Calgary, Alberta, that was born out of a desire to create a space that focused on an inclusive community and on different people coming together with common goals, to connect, share and move together. Both movement teachers, Jilaine and Kailey share a love for encouraging others and helping people believe they are capable of so much more than they believe possible. 

Listen in as we talk about:

Teaching and learning at Junction 9. Kailey and Jilaine share how teaching and learning have impacted their business, growth and mission.
The importance of core values. They share the importance of knowing your core values and how that has influenced the ways in which they teach movement.
The power of connection. Kailey and Jilaine share their experience with the power of connection and making people feel welcomed and supported in their space.
There is no one in the world like you. In a world full of different influences and perspectives, it's important to discover your own special voice.

Connect with Kailey & Jilaine:


Instagram: @junction_9 

Facebook: @junction9 

Twitter: @Junction_9 

TikTok: @junction_9 

Connect with Tiana:

LinkedIn: Tiana Fech
Instagram: @tianafech 
Facebook: @tianafech 
Book: Online Course Creation 101: A step-by-step guide to creating your first online course 


Kailey and Jilaine have learned a lot about teaching and leadership through their experience running a yoga studio. They believe that the expected challenges, such as teaching and getting everyone on the same page, are natural learning curves. However, they were surprised by the leadership role they had to take with their staff, front desk team, karma cleaning team, and contract teachers. They had to learn how to encourage people to engage with their business and be on the path with them while never losing their learning capacity and inquisitive nature.
Despite feeling like new business owners in their first few years, they had to step up and lead their team, which was something they could not have prepared for. They had to find a formula that worked and a vision that people wanted to be a part of. Overall, this experience has been a blessing, allowing them to bring their vision to life in a different way beyond just teaching classes.

The guiding force behind the decision-making at their studio is accessibility, inclusivity, connection, and community. Kailey and Jilaine want everyone who steps through their doors to feel supported, welcome, and included. Taking that first step to try something new is a big deal, and they want to make it as easy as possible for people to do so.
Inclusivity and accessibility may sound like buzzwords, but the studio wants everyone to feel like they belong. They understand the feeling of being nervous and anxious when trying something new and want to make sure that once people make it through the front door, they feel cared for and included. Creating a community where everyone looks out for each other is essential to their core values. Ultimately, they want to encourage people to develop a wellness routine and come back to their studio by offering a welcoming and supportive environment.