The Paradise Paradox

The Paradise Paradox

Latest Episodes

Episode 51 – Business Time: The Cardroom
August 04, 2015

If you've always lived in a developed country such as Australia, the UK or Norway, you might have the impression that everything is going well, and that the government's laws are there to help you. Maybe you have the impression that your country's currenc

Episode 50 – Ethereum & The Future: Juan Galt
July 31, 2015

In 2008, an unknown, man, women or team going by the pseudonym "Satoshi Nakamoto" released some code to a cryptography mailing list, informing the small group of nerds that he had created something interesting, and say they should use it if they liked it,

Episode 49 – Charlie Carlos
July 25, 2015

A man steps off an aeroplane in a foreign country, with little more than a few bags, a few changes of clothes. This man is no stranger to foreign countries, having travelled through his own country as a child, with his belongings stuffed in the back of a

Episode 48 – The French Arizonian Mexican: Taylor Alan
July 21, 2015

Living in the USA, the media bombards you with stories telling you that you should accept immigrants, or that you should be afraid of immigrants stealing your welfare benefits. When trapped in a limited media FOX/CNN right/left propaganda paradigm, it may

Episode 47 – I Dream of Vocho
July 17, 2015

The Volkswagen Beetle was and is a fine example of German engineering. It has just the bare minimum amount of moveable parts, was built to last, and still lives up to its name as "The People's Car". Adolf Hitler first commissioned the Beetle in 1934, and

Episode 46 – The Dox News Box July 2015
July 12, 2015

On the fifth of July, the people of Greece voted in a referendum on whether to accept new austerity measures, or to reject them. When the people voted no, there was footage of people celebrating in the streets, and it was hailed as a democratic success. H

Episode 45 – Right In Your Facebook
July 06, 2015

The year is 2005. Brad Greenspan, Tom Anderson and their team of dedicated programmers have built an empire using a relatively new method of communication and social interaction - a social media website, a medium allowing people to connect and interact wi

Episode 44 – Down at the Ashram: Link McElvenny
July 02, 2015

The year is 400 ACE. A scholar dutifully reads Sanskrit from a decaying fern leaf, contemplating the words, arranging them within the forefront of the mind, and again writing them in fine caligraphy onto another leaf. The scholar couldn't have known that

Episode 43.5 – Naturalised
June 29, 2015

Here's a quick episode to tell you a few little stories about our continuing adventures in Mexico. Kurt went looking for a new room to rent, and had a few surprises. He also had an intimate encounter with a huge moth. Aaron became a Mexican citizen, and h

Episode 43 – Extraordinary Abilities
June 27, 2015

It's the 1920s in Russia. The reporter Solomon Shereshevsky goes to a meeting with his colleagues and his boss. On this day, Shereshevsky has forgotten his notebook, and he makes no notes during the meeting. His boss is dictating a complicated assignment