The Paradise Paradox

The Paradise Paradox

Bitcoin - Predict the Price? Part 2 - Cryptonomics

October 04, 2018

Lots of people who are involved in crypto have opinions about the direction of the market. People standing on the sidelines can tell you that it's over and will never recover after the crash in 2018. However, for people who have been in this for a while, we can see the patterns. Bitcoin bubbled at $30, $200, $1,000, and $20,000, and some were even expecting the rise and fall.

Nobody knows the day or hour when these patterns and cycles will play out, but we can say at least that they probably will. A bubble will form and a bubble will pop. The price will jump up very quickly just before a crash. There will be a sell-off after Christmas... and the loudest people will lose interest when the real growth begins.

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