The Original Guide to Men’s Health

The Original Guide to Men’s Health

Episode 33: Religion, Spirituality and Health

December 02, 2020

What do you learn when a Rabbi, a Pastor and a Reverend zoom into a men’s health podcast? A lot! For example, there is cross-faith consensus: religion and spirituality play important roles in a holistic approach to health. Religions and spirituality provide support, love, guidance, community and resources in times of stress and need, and in everyday birth, life and death, filling in areas not typically covered by preventative health or the health care system.


Rabbi Daniel Weiner, Senior Rabbi - Temple De Hirsch Sinai, Seattle, WA

The Very Rev. Steven L. Thomason, Dean and Rector - Saint Mark’s Episcopal Cathedral,

Seattle, WA

Pastor Cary Anderson, Senior Pastor - First African Methodist Episcopal Church, Seattle, WA
