The One With Josh and Melissa

The One With Josh and Melissa

S9E17and18 The One With What We Have Learned in 200 Episodes

April 29, 2015

It's our 200th Episode of The One With Podcast! (or not depending on Josh's math skills{Hey, a lot of people take Algebra 2 twice}) 
In 'The One With the Memorial Service', Chandler and Ross play early internet jokes on each other, ending at Ross being pronounced dead. Moinca is to stop Pheobe from hooking back up with Mike. Emma and Rachel steal Hugsy from Joey.
Then we chat 'The One With The Lottery', where the gang is together, on set, the whole time. Chandler is waiting to hear about his job, Ross calls Rachel mommy, and the gang is going to win big. OR not, because of Pheobe. 
We drink the Woo-Woo shot. hugsy stole the Marty McFly vest. The Mantra of our show is: It's Going To Be Fine. What we've learned in 200 episodes. DVD Liner notes guy worst effort to date. Shirly Jackson's The Lottery as done by Friends, as proposed by Josh. Melissa likes the name Anakin Bing. And we hate that there is a Richard Jar.
tweet to @JoshSolbach and @MelissaSolbach
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THANKS TO EVERYONE LISTENING! We really appreciate it.