The One With Josh and Melissa

The One With Josh and Melissa

S3E14 The one with the Relative Speed of Coffee Pee

March 06, 2013

It's about 6 hours late... SORRY! We lost the first recording due to producer error. (Bad Josh) 

This week we cover S3E14 The one with Phoebe's Ex-Singing Partner. Leslie comes back into Phoebe's life only to steal the jingle gold that is Smelly Cat. Ross falls asleep at a Fashion thing for Rachel, leading to a shocking fight back in Monica's living room. Chandler dates an ex of Joey's who has a wooden leg and is disturbed by his nubbin. 

Please tell your friends who like Friends about us, we would love to have them join us. You  can also rate/review the show in iTunes. Find us on the Stitcher Radio App. Email us at or call 316-361-6081. We would love to hear from you. 

Come back next week for a huge episode!!!