Theology Throw Down

Theology Throw Down

Latest Episodes

The Asbury Revival?
April 04, 2023

 Discussion on what is a biblical revival, whether we should criticize the Asbury revival, and whether it was a biblical revival.This podcast is a ministry of Striving for Eternity and all our resourcesListen to other podcasts on the Christian Po

Analytical Tools at IF: Dr. Curt Thompson & Behavioral Neuroscience (part 1)
February 14, 2023

Thoroughly Equipped S. 2 Ep 24Starting the final portion of our critique of the IF: Ministry; I present a message given by Dr. Curt Thompson who has been a reoccurring speaker at the IF: Conferences for the past couple of years. Dr. Curt Thompson is a P

Is America under God’s judgment and is it too late to repent?
February 07, 2023

Theology Throw Down episode 27The largest group yet discusses the question, is America under Gods judgment and is it too late to repent?This podcast is a ministry of Striving for Eternity and all our resourcesListen to other podcasts on the Christian Pod

Christmas to Celebrate or Not
December 06, 2022

Theology Throw Down episode 26The topic of Christmas covers the following topics:Should Christians celebrate it?How should Christians celebrate?What traditions do Christians have?Some resources mentioned:Where is Christ in Christmas?Is Christmas

The Roman Catholic Church
November 07, 2022

Theology Throw Down episode 25We discuss the Roman Catholic Church, its authority, view of salvation, and the after time. We end with a discussion about if the Roman Catholic Church is a cult.This podcast is a ministry of Striving for Eternity and a

How to Share the Gospel with People of Other Religions
October 03, 2022

Apologetics Live episode 24Are you ready to share the gospel with people of other religions? It can seem intimidating, but this episode will give you the tools to accomplish the task.This podcast is a ministry of Striving for Eternity and all our re

Heaven & Hell
August 01, 2022

Theology Throw Down episode 23 Does hell exist? What will Heaven be like? Is there a difference between hell and the Lake of Fire? Does Satan rule hell? What is the new heaven and new earth? What about all the people that write stories and books about vi

Do Babies Go to Heaven and more
June 06, 2022

Theology Throw Down episode 22The podcasts of the Christian Podcast Community join to together to talk about do babies go to heaven, is there an age of accountability, and should we baptize young children.Get Justin Peters's book Do not Hinder Them.

May 02, 2022

Theology Throw Down episode 21Baptism is a topic of much discussion and debate within Christianity. Within Christianity, there are different understandings of what baptism is, how to perform it, and who should get baptized.Some questions we will seek

The Lord’s Supper
April 04, 2022

Theology Throw Down episode 20The discussion was on the Lord's Supper or the communion. There are many questions that were discussed. Some call it the Lord's Supper and others the communion. Is there really a difference? That leads to the question, what