Theology Answers Podcast

Theology Answers Podcast

Latest Episodes

Theology Answers | Rhema vs. Logos, Regeneration Preceding Faith | Ep 14
December 27, 2018

Questions from listeners on this broadcast: Is there a difference between the word "Rhema" and "Logos" in meaning and interpretation?  Does this difference teach us that there is a "written word" and an "inner voice" of God?

Is Salvation Really Secure | Theology Answers Podcast Episode 13
November 28, 2018

Many have always argued, "No man can be confident in his salvation." But what does the Bible teach? Is there such teaching as "once saved, always saved?" What about perseverance? Edward and James discuss this important doctrine and how the believer sho...

What is Irresistible and Effectual Grace? | Episode 12 | TheologyAnswers
November 19, 2018

We live in a day and age where many cults exist. Sadly, many people don't realize they are in a cult that has used the Scriptures for their own purposes and gain. Some use it for financial gain while others use it for the gain of self glory.

Total Inability. Is that True of Depravity? | ep. 11
November 12, 2018

What is total depravity and does it render humanity totally unable? Total Depravity comes with all sorts of inferences by many in the world of "Christendom". Sadly, few have ever considered the contextual arguments for the implication of Total Inabilit...

Does 2 Peter 3:9 Teach That God Wants All People To Believe? | | Episode 10
September 08, 2018

There seems to be a continual misrepresentation of Scripture when people utilize single phrases out of context to build a theological truth. Sadly, many who refuse the gospel of grace hold fast to "big gun" verses that seem to prove a humanistic theolo...

Answering the Objections Against Definite Atonement (Arminian Verse Exposition) | Theology Answers Episode 9 – Theology Answers Podcast
July 25, 2018

Last episode Edward and James focused on the teaching of Definite Atonement as found in Scripture. Continuing in that line of instruction, this podcast looks at the primary verses used by those who oppose sovereign grace and how they are to be understo...

What is Definite Atonement | Episode 8 | Theology Answers Podcast
July 10, 2018

Particular Redemption, Definite Atonement, Limited Atonement, Certain Salvation and many other terms have been utilized throughout history to describe the teaching of Scripture on the work and efficacy of Jesus Christ on the cross.

The Doctrine of Election | Episode 7
July 03, 2018

Election is taught in the bible, therefore it is a Biblical doctrine. Many would argue that Scripture doesn’t teach election and the few who don’t ignore the teaching have discovered creative ideas through which they can answer it while subverting the ...

Altar Calls & Why Christians Should Ban Them | Episode 6 | TheologyAnswers
June 26, 2018

For the most part of the 20th century, altar calls and other prominent “offers” of salvation have been utilized to draw millions to a so-called gospel only to see that a majority of those millions still have no assurance of eternal life.

Why Apologetics? | Episode 5
June 20, 2018

For the most part, apologetics has become something different for many people and it is often confused with “coercion” or “convincing” someone to believe when Scripture teaches something very different. So,