Are You Listening?

Are You Listening?

Latest Episodes

Jesus Means Salvation | Ep 79 - Are You Listening?
June 19, 2018

Behold the Lamb! The only son of God is the lamb through which God is satisfied in His justice! We must not convolute the gospel of grace with philosophy and traditions but need to submit to the clear teaching of Scripture.

The Lord Will Provide | Ep 78 - Are You Listening?
June 18, 2018

Trusting in the Provision of the Lord! God told Abraham to sacrifice his only son on the altar. God provided the grace for Abraham's obedience. God granted the faith so Abraham would trust God. God provided the escape and most of all,

Verbal Precision? | Ep 77 - Are You Listening?
June 15, 2018

And then some! We should strive to be precise, clear and accurate in our words. Without which we can cause all sorts of frustration and division. Just this week I've made accurate statements in that they were all very true, but in their precision,

The Sound of Silence | Ep 76 - Are You Listening?
June 14, 2018

Sprecfien ist silbern, Schweigen ist golden! Speach is silver, silence is golden! In our world it doesn't pay to be quiet, after all, we must get noticed and feel important. Silence has good and bad uses, but for the most part,

How My Mouth Makes Messes… | Ep 75 - Are You Listening?
June 13, 2018

The weapons of words.. Keep it real - not! Speak too much or often. Speak too freely and openly. Speak about polarizing topics. Speak with complaining. Speak with dogma and assertion. We should speak for the purpose of building up,

Words Can Hurt Relationships | Ep 74
June 12, 2018

Sticks and Stones and Words Can Harm You! Today we just posit a little on some of the things we find in scripture about our words. Tomorrow we will look at four or five ways how our words can be divisive and how we can combat it by the word of God.

When Words are Weapons | Ep 73 - Are You Listening?
June 11, 2018

Don't you talk about my mamma! We hear and see words all the time. There is little time to escape the ever-expanding world of language. Are we as Christians taking heed of what we say and communicate? We should. Rest well and as always,

What is the Fruit of Faith? | Ep. 72 - Are You Listening?
June 09, 2018

Rotten Fruit, Rotten Faith! What is the fruit of my faith? (Grasping "good works" as dynamic and insufficient) This question is hard to analyze without a ton of presuppositions. For the sake of simplicity,

What Is Holiness? | Ep 71 - Are You Listening?
June 07, 2018

Boy, you better be holy!!!! What is holiness? (defined by the Lord, not us.) For most people, it is an adherence to the Decalogue (ten commandments). For others, it is a list of regulations and rules set forth by historic cultural standards.

What did the Cross Do? | Ep 70 - Are You Listening?
June 06, 2018

Sufficient and Certain, Not Possible and Available! What did the cross accomplish for the believer? (Grasping the atonement) Expiation and Propitiation are accomplished at the cross. We don't bargain with the work of Jesus as hopeful but as trustworth...