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You Don’t Need to Posture Before God
I Am Always Spiritual, But Never Always One Thing For years, I lived under the weight of an assumptionthat to be spiritual, I had to be engaged in something explicitly holy. That my connection to
There is no such thing as anxiety…
The End of Anxiety: How Knowing Myself Set Me Free Anxiety is the chaos of being lostthe fear that arises when you do not trust, love, know, or believe in yourself enough to face, handle, embrace,
“I’m Not Attracted to You Anymore” the freedom in these words.
Few phrases hit harder than when the person we love says, Im not attracted to you anymore. It feels like a direct assault on our identity, our value, and the very core of who we are. But in reality
Forgiving Others is About You
Forgiveness is a word that carries the weight of a lifetime, doesnt it? Its simple to say, but its depth is something that can drown you before it saves you. For years, I misunderstood forgiveness.
The Solitude We Fear and the Self We Find
To be alone is often a fear most cannot consider, much less face. The silence of solitude terrifies because it leaves us with nothing but ourselves, stripped of the noise that so often fills our days
I Need Nothing.
I need nothing. The words hang in the air like they shouldnt belong to me, but they do. They werent always mine, though. There was a time when the word need felt like an open door to panic, a cons
You Better Think Before You Follow… Who’s Driving You?
Ideas are a dime a dozen; they're everywhere, all the time, all at once and it's very hard to tell we're even being influenced by them. I've engaged in some extremely diverse think tanks only to find
The Power of Touch. And it’s crutch – this man’s thoughts
When a Man is Wanted, Loved, Touched, and Known Ive lived through the seasons of what it feels like to be wanted and the emptiness of what it feels like when youre not. Theres a shift that happe
Get Scared… It’s the Spark you Need.
Fear as Fuel: A Journey into Adventure and Growth (A Reflection on an Old Discovery) Fear is universal. It touches every part of our lives, shaping the choices we make and the paths we take.
Reclaiming Eve from the Sexist Mindset of Antiquity
[Video Commentary] [part 2 - the garden] Eve, the first woman of the Bible, has been the subject of countless interpretations, debates, and discussions throughout the history of Christian thought.