The Mud Peddlers: Ceramic Art Behind the Scenes

The Mud Peddlers: Ceramic Art Behind the Scenes

66. Shaping Our Social Lives: “You’re in The Twelve…”

February 07, 2023

Lindsey and Donte share how they’ve shaped and balanced their social lives with their time in the studio. They describe the wildly different ways they structure their friendships, how they navigate time with family, how their non-ceramics work schedules have changed as their businesses have grown, their biggest challenges as they’ve shaped their social lives as working artists…And Donte reveals the magical secret society that has total power over him.

What’s your favorite way to make time for your relationships with friends and family? What’s the biggest thing that pulls you away from time in the studio?

Tell us in the comments, or tag us on social media!

And just a reminder, CERAMICON official registration goes live on Feb. 20th. Mark your calendars, head to, and use discount code LINDSEY20 or DONTE20 to get $20 off access to 18 different lessons across all ceramics topics, including Donte’s and Lindsey’s lessons.

Donte’s Affiliate Link:

Lindsey’s Affiliate Link:


About Your Hosts

Lindsey M Dillon is an award-winning professional ceramic artist who makes mugs and creature sculptures inspired by history, mythology, and geek culture. They have been working in clay since 2007, and doing so professionally since 2014. Their supernatural powers haven't manifested yet, but it's ok, they’ll wait.

Donte of Earth Nation Ceramics is a professional ceramic artist and Youtuber with over 70k artists in his community, all helping each other grow through their ceramic art journey one step at a time. He also has a massive addiction to boba milk tea and anime.

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