The Mud Peddlers: Ceramic Art Behind the Scenes

The Mud Peddlers: Ceramic Art Behind the Scenes

65. SacAnime Winter Review

January 24, 2023

65. SacAnime Winter Review: “We wanna buy our nerd sh*t!”

Lindsey and Donte share their experience at the recent SacAnime Convention (Jan 6-8th 2023). There’s talk of what worked well, things they did differently this con compared to conventions past, how much inventory they brought vs. how much money they made, and generally how they fared at a convention that has an attendance of over 20,000 people.

Have you ever been to a convention focused on a thing you love? Anime, birds, coffee…?

**CERAMICON registration is now live!** Take advantage of Early Bird registration and use either link (use discount code LINDSEY20 or DONTE20) to get $20 off access to 18 different lessons across all ceramics topics, including Donte’s and Lindsey’s lessons.

Donte’s Affiliate Link:

Lindsey’s Affiliate Link:


About Your Hosts

Lindsey M Dillon is an award-winning professional ceramic artist who makes mugs and creature sculptures inspired by history, mythology, and geek culture. They have been working in clay since 2007, and doing so professionally since 2014. Their supernatural powers haven't manifested yet, but it's ok, they’ll wait.

Donte of Earth Nation Ceramics is a professional ceramic artist and Youtuber with over 70k artists in his community, all helping each other grow through their ceramic art journey one step at a time. He also has a massive addiction to boba milk tea and anime.

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