The Mud Peddlers: Ceramic Art Behind the Scenes

The Mud Peddlers: Ceramic Art Behind the Scenes

76. Teaching at a Ceramics Studio: “Promised money vs. potential money…”

August 01, 2023

With Donte’s upcoming, first ever in-person classes starting this week, Lindsey and Donte chat about teaching at a ceramics studio. They discuss everything from their approaches to curriculum development and how much they’re getting paid, to the pros and cons of teaching at a ceramics studio and how they’ve decided if teaching is or isn’t for them…at least for now.

Do you teach as part of your art practice? Would you, or have you ever taught classes or workshops?

Tell us in the comments or tag us using @earthnationceramics or @lindseymdillon!

For info about Donte’s class at Clay IMCO’s:


About Your Hosts

Lindsey M Dillon is an award-winning professional ceramic artist who makes mugs and creature sculptures inspired by history, mythology, and geek culture. They have been working in clay since 2007, and doing so professionally since 2014. Their supernatural powers haven't manifested yet, but it's ok, they’ll wait.

Donte of Earth Nation Ceramics is a professional ceramic artist and Youtuber with over 70k artists in his community, all helping each other grow through their ceramic art journey one step at a time. He also has a massive addiction to boba milk tea and anime.

Find Lindsey

Website and online store –

Patreon –

Instagram, TikTok, and Facebook – @lindseymdillon 

Find Donte

Website and online store –

Patreon –

Youtube – Earth Nation Ceramics

Instagram – @earth_nation_ceramics

TikTok and Facebook – @earthnationceramics

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