Moms on a Mission

Moms on a Mission

Latest Episodes

When Bright Kids Can’t Learn
October 23, 2011

We talk to Dr. John Heath, author of When Bright Kids Can't Learn to discover the research into training the brain to learn better and how it can help your child succeed in school and overcome small and large learning problems like forgetfulness or dyslex

When Kids Struggle with Learning
October 02, 2011

If your child struggles at school and you wonder what might be going on, we discuss things to check and how to help your child.  A solution might be as simple as a trip to the right optometrist and a few simple exercises or you might want to have an eva

Making Time for Your Passions
September 25, 2011

As moms, we put our needs last.  But making time for our passions can make us better moms.  We share how we have found time for our passions and what we have done--it just might inspire you to take up an instrument, pick up your tennis racket or lace

Preparing Kids for Unprecedented Events
September 12, 2011

We try to prepare our kids for life but how do we help them when something happens that no one could prepare for--a natural disaster like a hurricane or flood. Dr. Andie ( us tips for helping our kids and us cope and thrive in

The Real Lives of Moms
September 11, 2011

We tell it like it is so you know that our lives are not any different than yours and we don't have perfect families.  Listen and find yourself and realize you are part of the tribe of moms all trying to do their best.

HPV and Cervical Cancer
September 04, 2011

Dr. Brandy Hughes, OB/GYN, discusses cervical cancer and HPV and how to protect yourself and your children.

Cinderella Parenting
August 28, 2011

Dr. Andie discusses what Cinderella parenting is and how to avoid  it. Listen to hear how you can relax your parenting stress and still be a super mom. Dr. Andie is the author of More than Saying I Love You ( (http://www.themom

Suzuki Music Lessons–What are They?
August 21, 2011

TruAnn Boulter, Suzuki violin teacher, discusses what the Suzuki method is and how it might work for you and your children interested in taking music lessons. Suzuki uses the Mother Tongue approach.  Learn what this is. If you are looking for a Suzuki t

Should We Pay our Kids?
August 14, 2011

We discuss whether or not to pay our kids allowances and we also discuss the Stewardship system used by Stacey's family.  For more on the Stewardship system, you can check out our podcast where Stacey discusses the specifics.

Intergenerational Travel
August 11, 2011

Traveling with children, parents and grandparents can be a bonding experience but it can also be difficult on the nerves.  Learn what to expect and how to set everyone's expectations so that your trip is a bonding experience and not a blow up.