Moms on a Mission

Moms on a Mission

Free 12 Week Course: Fitness for the New Year

October 08, 2014

Are you ready to start on the first week of this super simple, totally doable, powerful plan to give your life a kick in the health? Check it out.

This is Shelly’s FREE and EASY Plan. She created it because she has seen people struggle with where to start for too long.  Many people don’t know where to start or aren’t even aware of what habits are unhealthy. She wants to empower you with simple, practical guidelines that will set you in a great direction.  The goal is to be in control of your health by the New Year but you can do this any time. This isn’t a “diet†but a way to establish the habits you need to get yourself on track to healthy living.

Let’s do together!

Shelly Parcell