Moms on a Mission

Moms on a Mission

Tips to Deal with Bullies

January 05, 2014

With some tips, your kids can learn to handle bullying (the garden variety).  We discuss what works in the elementary, middle and high school years.  Check out more tips on the website

  1. Be a Role Model—Don’t Be a Bully.  Show them how to treat others with respect and kindness
  2. Use situations to teach—if you see something in a show or in life that is wrong or right, point it out
  3. Role Play with your kids to help them respond under stress
  4. IF they get bullied, replay the situation and try out different responses

    1. Can your child say STOP and look the bully in the eye?
    2. Can your child deflect with humor?
    3. Is your child too shy and needs to walk away?

  5. Don’t downplay their feelings (empathize with them but don’t make them a victim)
  6. Teach your child how to stay safe:

    1. Stay away from places where bullying happens
    2. Hang where there are adults.  Most bullying happens when adults are not aroud
    3. Talk to someone so you don’t feel alone
    4. Read Wimpy Kid

  7. Teach your children to embrace their own uniqueness and not want to be just like everyone else
  8. Stand up for others and be kind to a kid being bullied.  Show them someone cares