The Mom Hour
Inside The Morning Hustle: Voices 64 With Lisa Payne & Ashley Schafluetzel
Ever wondered how other moms get everybody up, ready, fed, and out the door with all their parts and pieces? We think it's fascinating to peek behind the curtain at different families' routines and rituals, so in today's episode Sarah chats with two moms from our Contributor team. Lisa is a full-time working single mom of four kids (at three schools!) who has great ideas for keeping mornings calm, making time for herself, and giving kids increasing independence as they grow. Ashley is a kindergarten teacher and mom of two kids, one with Cerebral Palsy, so mornings present a different set of challenges in her house. Find out what's working well so far this fall for Lisa's and Ashley's families, how they're dealing with setbacks, and what they've learned works for them when it comes to morning routines.