The MindMill

Latest Episodes
#48: Carley Smith | The Fairy Gut Mother
Carley Smith (aka Fairy Gutmother) is a Nutritional Therapist, Certified GAPS Practitioner, and Registered Yoga Teacher. After using nutrition to heal her own debilitating lyme disease, she decided t
#47: Drew DeOrsey | Embodying Your 2.0 Self
Drew DeOrsey is a holistic health & nutrition coach based in Denver. In 2019, he was voted the #1 men's fitness instructor in Denver. Drew is also a certified weight loss hypnotherapist. Drew and Seth discuss the evolution of Drew's career,
#46: The Return of the Mindmill Podcast | Featuring Yoshua Greenfield
Seth returns to the Mindmill Podcast with special guest Yoshua Greenfield. In the rocky mountains outside of Boulder Colorado, Seth and Yoshua discuss Seth's battle with Cancer, reconnecting with nature through a barefoot lifestyle,
#45: Ryan Harris | Daily Habits and Mentality of a Super-Bowl Champion
Ryan Harris is retired NFL offensive lineman, talk show host, author, and motivational speaker. Ryan is a Super Bowl Champion, who protected Peyton Manning during the Denver Broncos most recent championship season.
#44: Eben Pagan | Coaching a New Generation of Online Entrepreneurs
Eben Pagan is a well-known entrepreneur teacher and technology investor. He's launched and invested in many companies, selling over 100 million dollars of products and services in the process. He's devoted the past years of his life to the study of opp...
#43: Emily Schromm | Powerlifting, Super Nutrition, and the Routines of a Serial Entrepreneur
Emily Schromm is a personal trainer, nutritional therapy practitioner, and serial entrepreneur; helping others empower themselves by way of food and movement. Her passion, patience, and positivity have blossomed five successful wellness companies.
#42: Kaila Mullady | The Habits of a Beat-Boxing World Champion
Kaila Mullady is a competitive beat-boxing world champion, advocate, and educator. She credits the accomplishments in her craft to ritualized systems, positive mindset, and healthy habit building.
#41: Eric Hinman | Lifestyle Design for Health, Wealth, Adventure, and Connection
Eric Hinman is a serial entrepreneur and investor. Semi-retired at 34, Eric now focuses on his lifestyle brand, influencing thousands in powerlifting, adventurous travel, and mental/physical recovery.
#40: Julie Penner | People over Product, Process, and Profit
Julie Penner on the MindMill Podcast Julie Penner is the former director of the famed Techstars business accelerator program. She has worked with hundreds of diverse companies; challenging, empowering, and propelling them into new arenas of success...
#39: Ayahuasca | A Life-Altering Experience
Ayahuasca is an ancient psychedelic plant medicine from South America. Seth shares his personal relationship with Ayahuasca, how he prepares for a ceremony, and a recollection of his most profound ex