The Mentors Radio Show

The Mentors Radio Show

386. Lessons Learned from My F-16 crash, with Fighter Pilot Lt. Col. Peter Smith, USAF Ret. and Tom Loarie

August 17, 2024

In this episode of THE MENTORS RADIO, Host Tom Loarie talks with Lt. Col. Peter Smith, USAF Ret, a seasoned fighter pilot, about his harrowing, F-16 Fighter crash, the discipline and training that saved his life and the lessons he learned, including what matters most in life — in anyone’s life, in your life. Close your eyes and imagine what it would be like to experience spatial disorientation (you can’t tell up from down) in an F-16 Fighter Jet while locked into a Death Spiral at 6,000 feet, traveling at 1,000 ft per second. Now imagine ejecting from that nightmare–all happening so fast–Imagine hitting the ejection button barely 0.8 SECONDS before it was too late… and surviving. Few live to tell the tale. Former combat fighter pilot, Lt. Col. Peter Smith USAF (ret.) joins The Mentors Radio Host Tom Loarie to reflect on the OODA Loop Training that contributed to his survival. He also shares lessons he learned on what matters most in career and life. Listen to radio show below or on ANY podcast app. (The podcast posts after each episode airs on Salem Radio in San Francisco with live-streaming anywhere in the world on iHeart Radio and Tune-In). Listen to our radio podcast anywhere, any time, on any platform, click here


Lt. Col. Peter S. Smith, USAF-in cockpit-early_days-A-10? Warthog?USAF Fighter pilot Lt. Col. Peter S. Smith, USAF