The Mentors Radio Show

The Mentors Radio Show

378. Catholic Charities CEO (ret) Sister Donna Markham joins Dan Hesse to discuss choosing a life of service to others

June 22, 2024

In this episode of THE MENTORS RADIO, Host Dan Hesse talks with Sister Donna Markham, PhD., an Adrian Dominican Sister and immediate past-president and CEO of Catholic Charities USA.  During her ministry there, she led the implementation of national initiatives directed at alleviating the suffering of vulnerable people in the United States.  Donna has dedicated the majority of her life as a licensed and board-certified clinical psychologist to the ministry of personal and global healing.  A writer, speaker and faith-driven leader, she is actively engaged in global peace initiatives and processes of reconciliation that have taken her across the world. Sister Donna received a doctorate in clinical psychology from the University of Detroit.  She is also the recipient of ten (10) honorary doctorates and has been named each year for the past eight years, as one of the Top 50 nonprofit leaders in the U.S. by The NonProfit Times.  Most recently, Sister Donna was honored by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services for her extraordinary leadership on behalf of humanity.  In August 2023, she received the Outstanding Leadership Award from the Leadership Conference of Women Religious. And perhaps most impressive of all, Sister Markham was the answer to a question on Jeopardy! Listen to the show broadcast on Salem Radio in San Francisco, via live-streaming on iHeart Radio worldwide or anytime, on ANY podcast platform, including Apple Podcast, Spotify, iTunes, TuneIN, Stitcher, Google Play and all the others. Sign up for the podcast here.