The Mentors Radio Show

The Mentors Radio Show

370. You Gotta Have Balls: A Conversation with Ground-breaking Sports Entrepreneur Brandon Steiner

April 27, 2024

In today’s episode of THE MENTORS RADIO, Host Tom Loarie talks with Brandon Steiner, a successful entrepreneur who pioneered the sports collectible industry. He’s a kid from Brooklyn who started from scratch and ended up buying Yankee Stadium (yes, you read that correctly!), ultimately creating a sports empire. Brandon started entrepreneurship young, driven by an absolute love of bagels. At age 14, he invented the “The Everything Bagel”! Today he is the CEO of CollectiblesXChange and The Steiner Agency, and is the author of three books: The Business Playbook; You Gotta Have Balls; and Living on Purpose. In this episode, you’ll hear first-hand how Brandon went from a kid in Brooklyn to creating a sports empire; with lots of AHA! moments for your own life and business along the way. Listen to The Mentors Radio show live in San Francisco or via live-streaming on iHeart Radio worldwide… You can also listen on ANY podcast platform, including Apple podcast, iTunes, Spotify, TuneIN, Stitcher, Google Play and all the others. Sign up for the podcast here.


