The Meditation Podcast

The Meditation Podcast

Creative Freedom

May 31, 2017

Hi everybody. We're going to do something a little different today. My mom died a few weeks ago, and today's meditation is in honor of her. Most people who knew her remember her laughter, generosity, and her art. She was not only a respected and award-winning artist, she was also a true artist in that she loved to simply created beauty.

My mom claimed that she wasn't into meditation. She joked that she was terrible at it. But I believe her art was her meditation. Her mentor taught her to quiet her thoughts as she blended the ink, paying attention to the motion, the sound, the changing colors. She transformed the turmoil of a busy mind toward a blank page, and into tranquil still life and landscapes. She did this daily, and left a massive and beautiful volume of work.

In today's meditation, we prepare for — and create — beauty. Although this recording is only 20 minutes, please allow one full hour to this process. You may already have a creative outlet — music, dance, drawing, painting. If not, start today. Pick up some paper and paints, or dust off that musical instrument sitting in the corner.

Whatever your art, prepare your space for it. Pause this recording now, and set your timer to spend just 10 minutes cleaning up, removing any clutter, and setting up your creative tools so that you're ready to use them. If you want to prepare the mood by adjusting the curtains or lighting, and preparing some music to play later, do that too. When the 10 minutes is up, come back and start playing again. Go ahead. I'll wait.

Remember that this podcast uses audio technology so please use headphones, and do not use this podcast while driving or operating machinery.

We are not licensed health care practitioners, and we do not claim any specific health benefits from using this podcast. You are responsible for your own health.

Now, let's begin. Become still. Sit, stand, or lie down in your space. Place yourself near — but not "at" — your creative tools. Resist the urge to start right away. Just be in the space. Breathe, and enjoy the feeling of wanting to create.


Now, pick up your self, your instrument, pen, or brush — and begin! Create something beautiful, something that is beautiful to you. Allow yourself to get lost in the creation, so that the beauty is not just in what you're creating, but also in the process of creating it.

When you feel (or see, or hear) that it's time to stop, stop. Just enjoy creating beauty.

In honor of my mom. Thank you.


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