The Meditation Podcast

The Meditation Podcast

Three - Positive Thoughts

December 19, 2006
Each of us, whether we realize it or not, abides by a universal law of attraction. What we think about, and talk about, we attract into our lives -- no matter whether we think about wanting it, or not wanting it. Therefore it is very important to think constructively. So rather than saying, 'I don't want to have these health problems anymore,' say 'I'm so glad to be healthy!' or 'I want perfect health.' Instead of trying to get out of debt, try to attain prosperity. Don't anticipate conflict with your loved ones or co-workers -- instead, imagine what it would be like to be in total harmony with them. If you hate war, try loving peace instead.

This concept may seem strange at first, but it's a very powerful exercise. When we began doing it, we noticed major changes in every area of our lives. Even if a positive thought or feeling doesn't seem true for you, just try imagining 'what would it be like?' or 'wouldn't it be nice?'



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