The McCarthy Project, LLC

The McCarthy Project, LLC

Latest Episodes

Thi’sl: The Role of Music in Sport Today
May 12, 2013

Rapper Thi’sl Talks Music and the Role it Plays with Athletes Thi’sl on The Role of Music in the World Rapper Thi’sl joins the show to talk about the world of music and sport.  Almost every athlete today has a pair of headphones and a m

Principles of High Impact Coaching
May 10, 2013

Principles of High Impact Coaching with Shaun Goodsell Shaun Goodsell on HIgh Impact Coaching Shaun Goodsell of The Mental Edge was in rare form on the show.  He spoke directly to the issues related to coaching at all levels and the principles of high im

Jill Magee: Active Recovery is Not On The Couch
May 08, 2013

Jill Magee of Rock Tape/ ETS Gym Covered Active Recovery Jill Magee on Active Recovery Athletes in today’ society do not understand the word active recovery or recovery in general.  Only if they work harder, they will win. The truth is almost direc

Shawn Myszka: Active Recovery, Not Just Recovery
May 08, 2013

Shawn Myszka: Management of Stress and Recovery Shawn Myszka on Recovery Today Shawn Myszka made some excellent points related to recovery and more specifically, active recovery. 1.  The proper recovery is not the same for every athlete. 2. How to work o

Maximum Lacrosse Director Max Seibald on Success
May 03, 2013

Max Seibald of Maximum Lacrosse on Developing Elite Performance Max Seibald of Maximum Lacrosse Max Seibald of Maximum Lacrosse joined the show to talk about his mindset while playing lacrosse and his philosophy on creating elite performance in athletics.

Shaun Goodsell: Pursuit of Elite Performance
May 03, 2013

One Path to Attaining Elite Performance Shaun Goodsell on Elite Performance Shaun Goodsell of Mental Edge talked about ways to develop elite performance on and off the field. So much of success in athletics comes from the mental side of life, Shaun passed

Overtraining: Major Problem in Life and Athletics
May 01, 2013

In Today’s world of sport, overtraining should be one of the top subjects ill Magee of ETS Gym on Overtraining We have all grew up on just work harder than the other person and you will be the best. Or my favaorite, the “survival of the fittes

Tricia OHara: Sports Model, Trainer and Coach
April 29, 2013

Sports Model and Trainer Tricia O’Hara Shares Wisdom on Life and Sport Sports Model and Coach Tricia Ohara Sports Model Tricia O’Hara talked about the life of living as a trainer and business person in the French Riviera and the United States.

Lesley Paterson: 2x Xterra Triathlon World Champion
April 25, 2013

Lesley Paterson Xterra Triathlon World Champion, Film Producer, Writer, and Coach Lesley Paterson of Braveheart Coaching and Xterra Triathlon Champion Lesley Paterson will be talking about the numerous projects she is currently working. As most of you kno

Cal Dietz: Author of Triphasic Training
April 25, 2013

Cal Dietz, Author of Triphasic Training, Talked Speed Development Cal Dietz: Author of Triphasic Training Cal Dietz, University of Minnesota Strength Coach for Olympic Sports, joins The McCarthy Project to talk about the world of strength training and his