The McCarthy Project, LLC

The McCarthy Project, LLC

Athlete Performance And Documentation

July 01, 2013
Documentation of Training: A Hidden Key To Athlete Performance
Old-Time Athlete Performance: Documentation or Statistics

How do we measure old-time athletes? Lets say the 1937 All-Star Team in baseball.  Of course, it is by their performance or statistics. Not because they told us that they could do it, they proved it on the field.

The question I have is why don’t we hold the coach or trainer to those same standards? Why don’t we keep camp directors, high school coaches, and trainers accountable to actually produce documented results? Why do we continue to attend camp after camp after camp and do not know if our athlete is improving?

All coaches and trainers should complete beginning assessments and tests, consistently administer, and then produce documented proof of improvement.

While researching the subject of documentation and testing, I came across this principle published in 1985 from Programming and Organization of Training By Yuri Verhoshansky,

“The coach’s planning, calculation and documentation is of extraordinarily important for programming training.  Unfortunately a totally un-permissable, scornful attitude has developed, in both theory and practice, towards documentation.  However, documentation is not simply an auxiliary responsibility, indicative of the coach’s efficiency, but an important attribute of his professional mastery; upon which the success of his students’ preparation is primarily dependent.”

End Take Away:

Close the gap between throwing money at youth sports with no expectations or documentation. Hold the coaches and trainers accountable for the results they said that they could produce.

On this Documentation and Accountability Show, we will be exploring the world of organized training with documented results. We will be answering these questions and others related to proper assessments, results you should expect from training and the concept of random hard-core workouts.

Here some of the highlights of today’s show, as well as, current news for the week.

1. Documentation and Accountability are not part of the athlete’s mindset. How do you know if they are improving?

2. Why is this occurring in the marketplace today?

3.  What are some of the solutions to attaining elite performance?

Current News

1.   Harvard Scientists Say No to Milk, Move over to Reduced Fat Milk and Dairy Products.  Interesting to Say no to one, but yes to another procseed food product, when the full-fat products have proven to assist in your long-term health.

2. Counting Calories, and Malnourished, Nutritionally Dead Food.  Athletes should be attentive to all food and water sources

3.   A recent study of intercollegiate athletes by Mah (2011) at Stanford University found that increasing the nightly sleep period of 18-20 year old varsity basketball players to at least 10 hours, for a duration of 5-7 weeks led to faster sprint times, increased accuracy, and improved overall ratings of physical and mental well-being during practices and games.2 These results demonstrate a discrepancy between athletes’ behaviours (how much sleep they get) and athletes’ sleep requirements (how much sleep they need).

5.    Chemicals in Food:  If you are looking for elite performance, why are you eating

aspartame, aluminum, and artificial colors

6.    Food Fraud:  Horse meat in Fast Food and Processed Food, Sold As meat

7.    Water:  Flouride causing decrease in IQ and other health challenges

8.    DNA and GMO:  Are we rewriting our DNA to change who we become with the food we are eating?

9.     Mental Game with Shaun Goodsell of The Mental Edge. Shaun talked about powerful thinking, 5 ways to increased performance, nutrition, and how to understand your surroundings and the power of proper interpretation.

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