The Library Pros

The Library Pros

Episode 97 - Philip Shackelford - Modern Scholar Podcast

September 10, 2022

This episode pairs Chris and Bob up with Philip Shakelford, Director of the South Arkansas Community College Library Philip is also the host of the Modern Scholar Podcast speaking to library and history professionals all over “Libraryland” about cool and interesting topics. Philip has a speciality in military history and has a particular interest in the United States Air Force Security Services. Chris and Bob asked Philip about the “SPARK” that lit the idea to create a podcast and his process along with folding in library related topics with a historical spin. There is a geek out session talking audio hardware, challenges for podcasters and how to curate guests. We also ask about Philip’s new book Rise of the Mavericks: The U.S. Air Force Security Service and the Cold War and why he has developed an interest in the Air Force Security Service.

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