The Lab With Brad

The Lab With Brad

Latest Episodes

Ep 55: The search for Planet 9 - The Lab
September 19, 2017

The search for Planet 9 - @AntonyTheReal_ showed me a video recently, in which one of the folks was rather upset with NASA. It bothered him that they were presenting details of a planet orbiting another star, lightyears away, while at the same time,

Ep 54: Irrational computers, investing, and racist robots - The Lab
September 15, 2017

Irrational computers, investing, and racist robots - It’s easy to assume that computers and computer software, being without emotions, are more rational than we are. However, our software systems are like children of the mind,

Ep 53: Complex analysis, the stock market, and seeing what you expect - The Lab
September 14, 2017

Complex analysis, the stock market, and seeing what you expect - Two theories about the stock market, the efficient market hypothesis and technical analysis, are each attempting to analyze the same complicated system—namely the stock market and the fl...

Ep 52: More about the dark side - The Lab
September 13, 2017

More about the dark side - In 1933 Fritz Zwicky was studying the motion of galaxies within the Coma Cluster. He found that the motion could only be explained if there was considerably more mass present than what could be observed. Later,

Ep 51: What is “dark energy,” and is there really such a thing? - The Lab
September 12, 2017

What is “dark energy,” and is there really such a thing? - In the early 1990s, two separate teams tracked the rate of expansion of the universe by using type Ia supernovas as standard candles, (see episode 41 and episode 42 for details on standard can...

Ep 50: Let’s celebrate, with balloons! - The Lab
September 08, 2017

Let’s celebrate, with balloons! - The first manned flight of a hot air balloon took place in France in 1783. However, sky lanterns, paper and wood hot air balloons that don’t carry people, have been around in China since as early as 300 BC.

Ep 49: The cyborg Olympics - The Lab
September 07, 2017

The cyborg Olympics - Special thanks to @seeingwithsound, creators of the vOICe, (see episode 19,) for telling me about this one. - In 2016, competitors came together to strive for the gold. The only thing is, these athletes used their brains,

Ep 48: Hey universe, let’s hear some noise! - The Lab
September 06, 2017

Hey universe, let’s hear some noise! - What would eventually be called the theory of the big bang was first described by Georges Lemaître in 1927. This early description included predictions later verified in 1929, but it wasn’t until 1964,

Ep 47: It’s still getting bigger - The Lab
September 05, 2017

It’s still getting bigger - In episode 42, we learned that in 1923, Hubble found out that spiral nebula are actually spiral galaxies, changing our understanding of the size of our universe. In 1929, using spectral lines,

Ep 46: Frequency, wavelength, color and motion - The Lab
September 01, 2017

Frequency, wavelength, color and motion - What is the Doppler Effect, how does it work, and what does it tell us?