The Lab With Brad

The Lab With Brad

Latest Episodes

Ep 135: The Zen trick - The Lab
February 13, 2018

The Zen trick - When I was still a child, I stumbled on a method for inducing an out of body experience that I later started calling “the Zen trick.” It has been the most consistently successful method I’ve used. Today,

Ep 134: Embracing the fear - The Lab
February 09, 2018

Embracing the fear - There are several competing theories on how and why sleep paralysis occurs. One of them is that while most of your brain is still electrically and chemically asleep, the circuits involved in hyper arousal—active during states of e...

Ep 133: One of my methods - The Lab
February 08, 2018

One of my methods - After some time working with the rope technique, I got sick of it, and came up with a method of my own. There is no such thing as a perfect method that works every time you use it, but I had much better luck getting out of body wit...

Ep 132: The rope technique - The Lab
February 07, 2018

The rope technique - Today, we finally start to explain some induction techniques—things you can do with your mind, in order to cause your mind to seemingly step out of your body. We’ll start with a method called the rope technique.

Ep 131: A spirit-based model - The Lab
February 06, 2018

A spirit-based model - Lucid dreams and out of body experiences are a realm in which what you think and expect greatly influence what you experience. I don’t buy it, but as this model was what was in my mind when I had my early deliberate successes,

Ep 130: Using sleep paralysis - The Lab
February 02, 2018

Using sleep paralysis - Sometimes, if you are falling asleep, or waking up, you find that you are awake, but you cannot move your body. Though it can be frightening, especially if you’re not expecting it, this state, called “sleep paralysis,

Ep 129: Exploring the borderlands - The Lab
February 01, 2018

Exploring the borderlands - There is a strange state of consciousness that you pass through whenever you fall asleep. It can also happen while you wake up, so long as you wake naturally, and not because of something like an alarm. In this state,

Ep 128: Scientific bias, and dream states - The Lab
January 31, 2018

Scientific bias, and dream states - The mainstream scientific community has their own biases and preconceptions. Several misguided ideas have cropped up in the research into dreams and dream states, that later turned out to be false.

Ep 127: Dreaming what you want - The Lab
January 30, 2018

Dreaming what you want - If you become aware that you are dreaming, while you are still dreaming, you have an opportunity to experience almost anything you’d like. However, your dreams seem to have a mind of their own, and sometimes,

Ep 126: How to have a lucid dream - The Lab
January 26, 2018

How to have a lucid dream - Ask yourself, right now, “Am I dreaming?” Do you know how you got where you are? Does what’s around you and what you’re doing make sense? Do letters or numbers look right, or do the figures wriggle around and change while y...