The Lab With Brad

The Lab With Brad

Latest Episodes

Ep 184: Washington state rocks - The Lab
August 02, 2018

Washington state rocks - Today, brother Phil and I chat about the geologic history of our home state. Washington State; it’s made of rock. When I was talking about the supercontinent of Rodinia, I miss spoke. I said that happened from 1.

Ep 183: Life rocks - The Lab
July 26, 2018

Life rocks - To take a bit of a break from life and natural history, we talk about geology, which is part of natural history, and life, which is part of life. Specifically we talk about rocks that are formed by life.

Ep 182: Cuddling Cretaceous dinosaurs - The Lab
July 19, 2018

Cuddling Cretaceous dinosaurs - Today we chat about the Cretaceous period, when some of the most well-known dinosaurs appear. In this period, birds became much more like modern birds. Flowering plants spread across the land,

Ep 181: What did Jurassic dinosaurs taste like? - The Lab
July 12, 2018

What did Jurassic dinosaurs taste like? - Today we cover the Jurassic period, when dinosaurs roamed the earth, growing large and being in charge. One group began, during this period, to evolve toward becoming birds,

Ep 180: “Ridge” not “Trench.” Correcting and expanding episode 179 - The Lab
July 05, 2018

“Ridge” not “Trench.” Correcting and expanding episode 179 - We blame the sickness. Both of your hosts managed to catch, and were suffering from, a rather nasty little chest cold. In episode 179, on the Triassic period, we mispronounced,

Ep 179: The Triassic period - The Lab
June 28, 2018

The Triassic period - Today, despite your hosts suffering from a nasty cold, we talk about the Triassic period. During this time, the first flying reptiles appear, along with several reptiles that returned to the water.

Ep 178: Phil joins the show - The Lab
June 21, 2018

Phil joins the show - For the summer, “The Lab” has a co-host. My brother Phil hops onboard. We’ll be putting out a ten to twenty minute episode each Thursday night. In this episode, we attempt to cover the last 177 episodes in just one.

Ep 177: The one-year anniversary of The Lab - The Lab
June 14, 2018

The one-year anniversary of The Lab It’s been a year since the first episode of this podcast came out. To celebrate, I had my brother Phil join me. We talked of the show and science and a little bit about sensory substitution and the vOICe.

Ep 176: The Permian period - The Lab
June 12, 2018

The Permian period - During the Permian, the land vertebrates grew to large sizes, the ancestors of some families of coniferous trees began to dominate the forests, and some small reptiles learned to glide from tree to tree. At the end of the period,

Ep 175: the Carboniferous period - The Lab
June 05, 2018

the Carboniferous period - During the Carboniferous, the sharks took over the sea. On land, a new kind of egg was invented that could be laid and hatched on land, instead of in the water. The world was covered with swampy forest,