The Lab With Brad

The Lab With Brad

Latest Episodes

Ep 242: Maybe, if they all work together…
November 21, 2019

Maybe, if they all work together… - Last time we talked about how the dorg, the lab’s latest batch of digital organisms, are unlikely to be able to evolve into intelligence. This week, we talk about how they might be able to do it anyway. But first,

Ep 241: How and why the dorg are doomed
November 07, 2019

How and why the dorg are doomed - It seems like such a simple and obvious thing. Given that we can cause computer programs and the like to evolve and evolution is what gave us our intelligence, couldn’t we give a computer intelligence by letting it ev...

Ep 240: Of mice and men and minds
October 24, 2019

Of mice and men and minds - We’ve been looking and different unusually clever creatures—ants, bees, crows, octopus, elephants, whales, sea otters, dogs, racoons and monkeys. Along the way I was hoping to figure out some general idea of how intelligenc...

Ep 239: Monkey brain business
October 17, 2019

Monkey brain business - Primates, from the littlest monkeys to the largest apes, have rather large brains for their size. They also have high neural density, meaning that they pack a large number of neurons into whatever size brain they have.

Ep 238: That’s a good dog
October 03, 2019

That’s a good dog - Alright, I agree, some dogs are smarter than others. Some dogs are downright dumb—but we still love them. Still, depending on the dog, they can show language and memory abilities as good as those shown by two year old human childre...

Ep 237: Raccoons, brains, hands, and clever disguise
September 26, 2019

Raccoons, brains, hands, and clever disguise - Raccoons have surprisingly crowded little heads. With as many neurons as a similar sized monkey, these furry little bandits have nimble hands, and a knack for cheating on intelligence tests.

Ep 236: Brains on the wing
September 19, 2019

Brains on the wing - If you compare brain size to body size, some animals have much more brain per pound than others. That includes the primates, who climb and swing through the trees. It also includes parrots and ravens and crows,

Ep 235: Elephants, their big brains and handy faces
September 12, 2019

Elephants, their big brains and handy faces - The largest animal on land also has the largest brain. With complex social lives, cooperative problem solving, self-awareness and tool use, the elephants also have brains that have three times the number o...

Ep 234: Seals and sea otters
September 05, 2019

Seals and sea otters - Last time we talked about the whales, and how some of them turn out to be rather clever. The whales and dolphins aren’t the only mammals who have returned to the sea. We’ve also got things like seals and sea otters.

Ep 233: Whales, songs and cerebrum
August 29, 2019

Whales, songs and cerebrum - The largest creatures on the planet also have some good-sized brains. Why? What do they do with such large brains and how did they get them in the first place? Here’s a video about the evolution of whales. -