The Lab With Brad

The Lab With Brad

Ep 339: A brief probed toward Uranus

May 05, 2022

A brief probed toward Uranus

Unexpected issues caused a very short episode about the seventh planet. Gave us a chance to go ahead and snicker at its name.

Here’s a link to our episodes on computers computing and the history thereof.

Ep270: Stone age computers

Here’s a link to episodes on space and space travel.

Ep 288: From stones to strings to space

Here’s a link to our episodes on robotics and automation

Ep 311: Building brain bits for bots based on big beasties

And it all comes together with the first episode about robots and automation in space and space travel.

Ep 323: Robots orbiting the Earth

And here are a couple of links to articles about how NASA is considering a visit to Uranus.

NASA has been ignoring Uranus. That may soon change.

Uranus is a very weird planet. Here's why astronomers want to send a probe to it