The Lab With Brad

The Lab With Brad

Ep 311: Building brain bits for bots based on big beasties

August 05, 2021

Building brain bits for bots based on big beasties

We begin a series on robotics and automation with a look at your host’s on going project on how to build a brain for a bot. After years of research, it turns out that bigger is better.

special thanks to @EliaMagrinelli and @mattparlmer.

Here’s an article about the blind cave fish.

Shh and forebrain evolution in the blind cavefish Astyanax mexicanus

Here are a couple of things on the Nile crocodile, and how its brain gets bigger over its lifetime.

The Continuously Growing Central Nervous System of the Nile Crocodile

Continued Growth of the Central Nervous System without Mandatory Addition of Neurons in the Nile Crocodile

And here’s a bit about the surprisingly intelligent giraffe.

Our Understanding of Giraffes Does Not Measure Up