The Lab With Brad

The Lab With Brad

Ep 269: It’s the end of the world as they knew it

July 02, 2020

It’s the end of the world as they knew it

The Permian period began with lush forests. new bugs arrived to feed on the succulent plants, strange sharks still swam the seas, and the first large plant eaters and their predators walked the increasingly dry earth. At the end of the period was the most devastating mass extinction in our planets history.

Here are a couple of videos about the Permian period and the dimetrodon.

Dimetrodon: Our Most Unlikely Ancestor

Dimetrodon vs Spinosaurus

Here are a couple of articles about the Permian period, and the mass extinction event that ended it.

Permian Period and Extinction

Siberian Traps likely culprit for end-Permian extinction