The Lab With Brad

The Lab With Brad

Ep 265: By tooth and scale

June 04, 2020

By tooth and scale

The Silurian period was warm, and compared to the periods around it, rather gentle. Plants on land became a bit more sophisticated, with roots and stems and the ability to move water an nutrients around their bodies. Giant sea scorpions, the largest arthropods of all time, cruised the waters, probably chowing down on our early vertebrate ancestors. The fish developed jaws and moved into fresh water, and apparently, Changed some scales into teeth.

Here are a couple of articles with general information about the Silurian.

The Silurian Period: Plants Move Onto Land, Giant Sea Scorpions

Silurian Period Information and Facts

And here’s some articles about how our teeth may have come from modified fish scales.

Teeth evolved from fish scales say Cambridge researchers

Fish scale development: Hair today, teeth and scales yesterday?