The Lab With Brad

The Lab With Brad

Ep 262: itty bitty chatty: cells, signals, and communication

May 14, 2020

itty bitty chatty: cells, signals, and communication

From Bacteria coordinating their attack, to brain cells trying to figure out how bacteria coordinate their attack, today we look at how cells signal and communicate with one another, for better or worse. No hippos were harmed in the making of this episode.

Here’s a nice overview of cell signaling.

Introduction to cell signaling

Here’s a ted talk on cell signaling, and how studying it could help us develop new antibiotics.

How bacteria "talk"

Here’s a paper about salmonella that communicate in order to infect chicken eggs.

USDA ARS Online Magazine Vol. 48, No. 1

And here’s a paper on cell signaling in salmonella and e. coli.

Cell-to-cell signaling in E. coli and Salmonella