The Lab With Brad

The Lab With Brad

Ep427: When did we find what glue?

January 16, 2025

When did we find what glue?

We start a look at the science of stickiness with a quick historical overview, and a nifty trick with phonebooks.

Join us on for extra special extra stuff!

Here are a couple of videos from the MythBusters on intermeshed phonebooks. They’ve both got the same name, but are different videos.

MythBusters - Phone Book Friction

Mythbusters - Phone Book Friction

Here’s a video by someone other than the MythBusters, playing with the same thing.

Tearing two interlaced phone books apart using two 18 wheeler trucks

Here’s an article on how and why it is so difficult to separate intermeshed phonebooks.

Researchers explain why it's nearly impossible to separate two interleaved phonebooks

Here’s an article on the history of phonebooks, just for fun.

The end of an era: Whatever happened to the phone book?

And here are some articles on the history of glues and adhesives.

History of Glue

The History of Glue | Back Then History

The Sticky History of Adhesives