The Kathleen Sessions

Pickleball Tips and Philosophy
Episode 375. Kathleen Slattery-Moschkau shares her personal pickleball tips and her philosophy about why the sport is striking a chord.
Host: Kathleen Slattery-Moschkau
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:37 Why? Why is pickbleball so popular?
2:14 An emphatic case for warming up.
2:34 Lateral movement, achilles tendon.
3:48 The ping pong comparison. Don’t sweat it.
4:45 Singles vs. Doubles.
7:00 Nobody to play with? You have options.
9:09 Bad habits. Nip them fast.
9:40 Pickleball lessons.
10:25 Affordable ways to play pickleball.
12:04 Strength work for lateral movement/knees/injury prevention.
15:20 Wrist and elbow injury.
16:38 Paddle tweaks. Grip size.
19:30 Inflammation.
20:37 Lower back.
23:04 The beauty of an athletic stance.
24:43 My bad habit is…
25:44 Nuance, touch, brain health, winning.
26:35 The downside of only hitting the ball hard.
27:44 A philosophical bend: Pickleball and the educational system. Feeling success, getting inspired, getting obsessed and staying in school.
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