The Journey

The Journey

Coronavirus: Global Voices Perform 'Lockdown' by Richard Hendrick (by remote)

March 26, 2020

Lockdown, written by Richard Hendrick - a Capuchin Franciscan Brother in Ireland - has galvanized hearts and voices from every corner of earth.

This performance, conducted remotely via phone, is a powerful collaboration bringing together a worldclass athlete, a pastor, a businessman, a mother, a coach and a student, from different centers of the world, highlighting a collective internal and external drama (of individuals, families and communities) yearning for a fresh new day full of hope and joy, wellness and fruitful purpose visible even in the midst of a catastrophe.

Perfomers include: Tobias Clemens, Rev. Suzanne Moshett, Ari Perez, Mrs Joan Moshett, Adarah Harry, and Neville DeAngelou.