The Jiu Jitsu Of Life Podcast
Latest Episodes
Episode 181
In business you can’t just focus on the numbers you have to also develop your understanding of people and build relationships. In this episode Carter and Mo talk about the importance of the human elem
Episode 180
In this episode Carter talks about his real estate business, why he is considering getting out of residential real estate, the realities of dealing with contractors, and why reputation and integrity a
Episode 179
It is often said that ego is your enemy. In this episode Carter and Mo consider if ego can be your friend. What are the positive and negative aspects of ego? When can it fuel ambition and when can it
Episode 177
Carter recently read Andrew Yang’s book about the idea of Universal Basic Income and thinks that although it sounds great in theory, in reality the idea wouldn’t work. In this episode Carter and Mo di
Episode 176
Carter took his god-daughters to see Simone Biles’ Gold Over America Tour and found it was more about mindset and self empowerment than he was expecting. This inspires Carter and Mo to discuss what i
Episode 175
Mo is constantly on the look out for a unicorn business. A business in which he can make money with little effort. But is that unrealistic? In this episode Carter and Mo consider finding work where yo
Episode 174
Would you trust a jiu-jitsu instructor who had never competed, to train you in competitive jiu-jitsu? Is learning from books enough, or do people need practical experience in their field to be an expe
Episode 173
Can being cheap cost you more, be it in money, time or stress? There are some situations where spending more money almost guarantees a better good or service. In this episode Carter and Mo talk about
Episode 172
Most listeners of this podcast will remember exactly where they were when they heard about the event’s of 9/11. It is now 20 years later and Carter and Mo reflect back on that time. In this episode th