Unfiltered With Kara Vaval

Ep. 44: My Journey to Financial Independence
Real talk.. I was a broke lawyer…(2 words that should never go together) and that is why I share this story…. I didn’t want to ACT like a lawyer with money in the bank, I wanted to BE a lawyer with money in the bank… and enjoy that lifestyle! There’s an assumption that by virtue of being an attorney, one is financially set. That is actually pure bullshit! The truth is, many lawyers are slaving in dead end law jobs, barely making ends meet and asking themselves, like I once did: “Is this it? Is this what I busted my ass all these years for?” No one in law school prepared me for the cold hard truth that the lifestyle I saw lawyers living on TV was the exception not the rule; that to create that lifestyle, I could not count on a partner to deem me worthy of a large enough salary without wanting my soul in exchange; that I would not only need to go in business for myself and that I would have to reprogram my mind around money so I could go from employee mentality to a businesswoman mindset. When I shifted my mindset, my habits changed and lo and behold, my income shifted. I realized that my scarcity mindset was keeping me trapped in undesirable circumstances that only I had the power and control to change.