The Higherside Chats

The Higherside Chats

Free Plus Show: Tracy Twyman | Ancient Esoteric Cults, Elite Beliefs, & Conquering The Sun

December 31, 2024
As a thank you for staying subscribed to the free THC feed, and as a preview of what the full Plus experience is like, I’m uploading one free Plus episode to the free feed at the end of every month. Enjoy!

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Why this episode? Well, the last time Tracy was on she was explaining Q Anon 101, so I thought this might be better.

Original show notes, July 2017:

While it seems clear to many of us that the deeper we dig into the closed door activities of the elite, the more deranged and disturbed they seem.

With rumors of ritualistic blood sacrifice and sex-capades ensnaring these nefarious circles for as long as can be remembered, it should come as no surprise that today’s author and returning guest, Tracy Twyman, joins The Higherside with another slice of this strange pie to dissect.

As the author of several books, including “Money Grows on the Tree of Knowledge”, and “Baphomet: The Mystery Unveiled”, Twyman is no stranger to the atrocities of the aristocrats and with the release of her fist novel, Tracy puts a new twist on the depraved traditions obserrved by elites for centuries.

3:15 Wasting no time, Greg and Tracy begin by discussing the inspiration behind her first novel, “Genuflect.” With current events echoing many of the darker ritualistic themes through her book, Tracy walks through the research behind her writing, the line between fact and fiction, and the parallels among her work, key public figures, such as Michael Bloomberg, and historic landmarks like London’s ancient Temple of Mithras.

15:42 Greg and Tracy discuss the esoteric significance of the specific district, The City of London, in her book. On top of the Temple of Mithras and Bloomberg’s impending London headquarters, Twyman theorizes it’s close proximity to important financial buildings may be meaningful. She also discusses the London Stone, the sovereignty of The City of London,  the New Court Rothschild Bank, and the many underground rivers that flow beneath the city.

28:21 After covering the sagas of Cybele and Mithras, Tracy elaborates on the similarities she has found between them and the work of Jessie Weston and Franz Cumond.

37:30 Greg and Tracy discuss the agenda and motive of the elite. Tracy details her research into The O.T.O, their rituals, the writings of Aleister Crowley, and her extensive knowledge of alchemy.

Become a Plus Member at to hear a second hour of all THC episodes. This week’s included:

– Tracy’s thoughts and interpretations of the strange symbols and phrases we saw during the Pizzagate/Spirit Cooking season

– Tracy’s latest revelations and understanding of Baphomet

– why Johnny Deep cutting off the tip of his own finger might have deeper, related significance

– John Dee, diamonds, and Superman

– the work of Anatoly Fomenko & New Chronology

– why humans might not have known the color blue

A few valuable resources from the interview:
Tracy Twyman on The Higherside Chats:

   Communing With The Demon Masters Of The Elite & The Portal To Hell:

   The Knights Templar, Baphomet & The Alchemy Of Finance:

Bloomberg London Building:

Jessie Weston’s “From Ritual to Romance”:
Want more TracyTwyman?
Check out her website: where you can find her blog and other useful articles pertaining to her work.

And be sure to grab her latest work, the novel titled “Genuflect”, or any other her other books, including “Clock Shavings” and “Hocus Pocus” on Amazon: 

And last, but certainly not least, find her on Youtube:

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