The Higherside Chats

The Higherside Chats

David Avocado Wolfe | The Magic Of Nature, Rudolf Steiner, & Charles Fort

October 24, 2023
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About Today’s Guest: David “Avocado” Wolfe is a renegade nutritionist, superfoodist, info-prenuer, conspiracy researcher, heavy reader, and gastronaut, exploring the unique and nutrient dense foods all over the world. David is also the visionary founder and president of the non-profit The Fruit Tree Planting Foundation charity ( with a mission to plant 18 billion fruit, nut, and medicinal trees on planet Earth.

With over 20 years of dedicated experience and having hosted over 2750 live events, David has led the environmental charge for radiant health via a positive mental attitude, eco-community building, living spring water, and the best-ever quality organic foods and herbs.

He’s the author of many books with titles like:
  • Superfoods: The Food and Medicine of the Future
  • Longevity Now: A Comprehensive Approach to Healthy Hormones, Detoxification, Super Immunity, Reversing Calcification, and Total Rejuvenation
  • The Sunfood Diet Success System
  • Amazing Grace: The Nine Principles of Living in Natural Magic
  • Naked Chocolate: The Astounding Truth About The World’s Greatest Food
  • & Chaga: King of the Medicinal Mushrooms

He’s also heavily involved in the development of Health-boosting natural products, teaches several health-based courses, appears in many documentary films, & speaks at a ton of conferences and events, all of which can be explored on his website

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