The Heat

The Heat

Latest Episodes

COVID-19: Why are young people increasingly getting infected?
July 19, 2020

As COVID-19 surges among young people in the U.S., experts are warning them to take better precautions.

What does the U.S. need to do to tackle COVID-19?
July 09, 2020

With three million coronavirus cases and a stuttering economy, how will the U.S. handle the crisis?

The Future of Saudi-Iranian relations
July 06, 2020

The state of Saudi-Iranian relations and the how Saudi’s growing relationship with China might impact the country’s economic and political future.

What would Malcolm X think?
June 29, 2020

New bills are being introduced to tackle the issue of police brutality but many are questioning whether new legislation can really get to the core of the issue?

The Jakarta Method: A history of U.S. intervention and mass murder
May 28, 2020

The United States history of anti-communism - and intervention in foreign nations - has had a deadly impact from Asia to Latin America and beyond. For fresh insights, we're joined by Vincent Bevins - an American journalist and author of The Jakarta Met...

COVID-19: Could politics and sports reignite the U.S. pandemic?
May 25, 2020

U.S. President Trump is pressuring North Carolina's governor to let Republicans host up to 50,000 people at their August convention. But do any mass gatherings risk reigniting the deadly pandemic? And what about sports? We were joined by Dr.

COVID-19: Fallout from U.S. attacks on China | Amb. Max Baucus
May 15, 2020

As COVID-19 destabilizes the U.S., Donald Trump and allies continue to attack China. Where will these attacks lead? And what can parties do - in both countries - to avoid a permanent rift? We were joined by Max Baucus, a former U.S.

COVID-19: Reality check on U.S. jobs and economy
May 13, 2020

As workers and their families struggle with loss of income and uncertainty - U.S. policy makers scramble to find a way out of a downward economic spiral. But will efforts to re-open the economy cost further loss to livelihood - and lives?

COVID-19: Have U.S. attacks on China gone too far?
May 06, 2020

As the Trump administration faces criticism for lack of preparation and handling of the COVID-19 crisis - how far will it go in its attempts to blame China? What effect will these attacks have on global efforts to fight the pandemic?

COVID-19: NYC doctor shares emotional toll of battling the virus
May 01, 2020

As the coronavirus outbreak continues in New York City, how are front line medical workers handling the emotional toll? And how can they ensure safety - and dignity - for themselves and the patients they serve. We were joined by Dr Qanta Ahmed,