The Healthy Brain Podcast

The Healthy Brain Podcast

004 Why Is Conventional Medicine Missing The Mark, And How Can We Take Control Of Our Health In Today’s World | Dr. Amber Horsley

March 03, 2020

There are scenarios when conventional medicine is necessary especially when a quick fix is called for. Nonetheless, going natural or using alternative medicine can be equally as efficient and is much safer to our overall gut health. Today, Carrie Miller is joined by Dr. Amber Horsley, a Chiropractor, Acupuncturist, and Clinical Nutritionist at The Hayden Institute, to talk about conventional medicine and why people are relying on it for their quick health fixes. Dr. Horsley explains how food affects everything in our body, starting with how it is welcomed by the gut, how nerves react to it, how serotonin is affected, and how information is relayed through the gut-brain access. Discover what foods can prevent inflammation, which ones hinder our gut function, and what role sleep plays in our overall gut health. It’s about time we start paying attention to our gut.

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Why Is Conventional Medicine Missing The Mark, And How Can We Take Control Of Our Health In Today’s World | Dr. Amber Horsley
We’ve got a special guest. She was born and raised in the Black Hills of South Dakota. She graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Pre-professional Health and a minor in Psychology at South Dakota School of Mines and Technology. After moving to Texas, she continued her schooling, graduating from Texas Chiropractic College as the valedictorian of her class and certified both in acupuncture and clinical nutrition. She’s an extremely bright young lady who certainly understands the importance of functional medicine in today’s fast-paced world. 
Thank you so much for having me. I truly appreciate it. 
You’re welcome. We’re excited to have you here on the Healthy Brain Podcast. I love that you’re such a passionate believer in giving that full approach to natural medicine. My readers want to know all about how you’re making a difference in the lives of your patients. You said that conventional medicine is missing a part of the picture. Can you explain to us what you meant by that statement? 
I truly believe that to be that best version of you and get that health that you truly deserve, different parts of your health need to come into balance. That’s going to be your emotional health, nutritional health and more of that structural or neurological health. Mindset is critical to everything like, “How are you present in your daily life? Are you present with those that you love?” Those types of things and more on the structural side. “Are you moving? Are you sleeping well? Are you doing these things to feed your body?” That’s the big thing. Nutritionally, are you feeding your body with true foods that are going to feed your body, brain and give you that health you deserve?  
In conventional medicine, oftentimes, in our fast-paced world, we’re looking for that quick fix. What is that quick fix? What’s that one thing that we can do to make everything go away? Unfortunately, looking for that quick fix misses a big part of that picture. Sometimes, with medications, they’ve revolutionized health but then you’re missing so many other sides with diet, lifestyle, sleep, mindset. Those other critical aspects of health that I mentioned that can sometimes get overlooked in the process. To me, that missing part of medicine is all those other sides of health. It’s talking about your mindset, meditation, sleep, movement, and all of those things especially, diet. It is critical to your overall health, body health and brain health. 
Let’s talk a little bit about that gut-brain axis. Most of us know that whatever we feed our guts, we feed our brains. Can you explain the gut-brain axis to our readers so that they can have a better ...