The Healthy Brain Podcast

The Healthy Brain Podcast

002 The Prescription For A Healthy Brain And Body | Dr. Serge Grégoire

February 14, 2020

With all the food choices surrounding us, how can we keep a healthy brain and body? In this episode, Carrie Miller interviews Dr. Serge Grégoire, a doctor in nutrition who is certified in clinical herbology and the author of Fats, Cholesterol and You. Being healthy and healing is as simple as taking in the right herbs and vitamins for your body. With this as the foundation of health, Dr. Grégoire shares his prescription for optimizing brain health. With excessive sugar as a major factor for ill health, he shares key strategies on how we could eat less of it and curb our cravings.

Listen to the podcast here:

The Prescription For A Healthy Brain And Body | Dr. Serge Grégoire
Our guest is my newfound friend, Dr. Serge, a doctor in nutrition and certified in clinical herbology. Dr. Serge has a PhD from McGill University from the Department of Experimental Medicine. In addition, he completed a six-year fellowship at Harvard Medical School. He’s published a number of prestigious scientific journals such as EMBO reports, Circulation Research, stem cells, molecular and cellular biology and many others. In addition, he’s published a book on the biology and function of the heart and authored the book, Fats, Cholesterol and You, which I know that’s in French that you had mentioned but I can’t say it in French, which is distributed all over Canada and French Europe. Dr. Serge holds advanced certification and nutrition response testing from Ulan Nutritional Systems in Florida and he is a certified herbalist through the Australian College of Psychotherapy.
Thank you for having me.
We are excited to have you here. Welcome to the Healthy Brain Podcast.
I’m excited to be here.

We’d love for you to tell us your story and why you have such a passion to help people in health and wellness.
I became passionate about nutrition because of my own health journey. When I was in my early teens, 10, 11 years old, I started to have a chronic pain issue. Back then, medical doctors would prescribe me medication. That started my vicious cycle of taking painkillers and I started to be dependent on them and I started to take stronger. I was stuck in that cycle. I was that over the years with fibromyalgia, with chronic fatigue, with depression with GI issues, heart issues, different things that doctors would tell me that I have, but at the end of the day, I was slowly dying.
In my early twenties, I came across a nutrition response testing and nutritional assessment that allows the practitioner to figure out why you have issues. When I met that practitioner, she told me what my issues were, which was the first time that I heard why I had problems. As you know, medical doctors don’t give you why. They tell you some explanation or whatever, “Take this pill and try this and try that.” I was stuck there. That doctor fixed my body with nutrition. I was impressed by her skills that I decided to teach myself nutrition response testing and I opened up my practice. I’m excited to help people because I’ve seen over the years that more people are stuck in the same cycle that I was stuck in. It means that they go and see doctors over and over but they don’t have any improvement. They don’t get better. On their way, they get worse because they take a lot more medications and they don’t fix the diet. That’s my passion, helping people with the diet, the food.
You mentioned nutrition response testing.