The Health Detective

The Health Detective

How Gut and Oral Health are Related with Trina Felber

November 28, 2022

Trina Felber is the Founder and Creator of Primal Life Organics, the original “Paleo Skincare” company. In this episode, Trina and Dr. Lauryn discuss the close relationship between oral and gut health. Trina shares the oral health products we should avoid and even recommends a few we should implement into our routine! Stay tuned!



5:45 - Trina talks about her background and what got her into the work she does

13:28 - Trina and Dr. Lauryn talk about ulterior motives that could influence the American Dental Association

15:29 - The relationship between our mouth and our gut health. They also discuss what bad breath really means…

19:05 - Trina shares her thoughts on “conventional” dental health products

29:49 - Dental health products that Trina recommends.

31:26 - How to learn more about Trina

31:44 - How to get a whiter smile

33:29 - A wellness hack Trina is excited about


About Trina Felber

Founder and Creator of Primal Life Organics.  Life roles include: wife, mother of three, dental health and natural skincare expert, Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist, Yogi, Paleo advocate, and educator.  By nature, Trina loves creating products that heal, soothe, mend and repair the body and soul.

Trina is your Natural Health and Beauty Nurse, and she is improving the way you feed your skin.  She is a 34+ year nurse with a Masters in Nursing Anesthesia.  Trina is the international best-selling author of Beauty’s Dirty Secret, skincare and health related speaker/writer and her food-based skincare products have been featured on TV stations all over the country including ABC, NBC, CBS and Fox. She is dedicated to helping others realize the dangers in everyday cosmetics and skincare, and spreading awareness for the importance of using plant-base, nutritional skincare products.


Connect with Trina

Website |

Instagram | primallifeorg

YouTube | Trina Felber

Facebook | Primal Life Organics, LLC


Connect with Dr. Lauryn

Facebook | Dr. Lauryn Lax

Twitter | @drlaurynlax

Instagram | @drlaurynlax

Website | 


Transcript (Episode website contains full transcript)

Dr. Lauryn (00:04):

Well, hello, Health Detectives. Just another day here at the office, busy quieting the noise in the health, food, and fitness world and flipping both conventional health and holistic wisdom upside down. I'm your host, Dr. Lauryn, former TV news journalist gone health detective and functional medicine expert by way of my own 26-year-old long battle with different chronic illnesses spent seeing over 50 different doctors and trying countless diets, and Dr. Google searches under the sun that could not help until I figured out how to solve the underlying health mysteries from the inside out with an approach I now help hundreds of clients worldwide use today in my virtual functional medicine practice. Something I've been doing even before the pandemic made Zoom calls and yoga pants wearing a thing. And today, I also love helping you solve your greatest health mysteries and challenges on the show. Talking problems like dental health issues, so things like cavities or if you're like me in my former life, a lot of tartar and build up on your teeth or perhaps even bad breath.


So much of our own health is based in our mouth, and this is an insight I didn't really fully, quite grasp until my own dental issues improved. And that's when I improved a lot of my own lifestyle issues as well. So for years, as long as I can remember, I had a lot of tartar and buildup on my teeth. Every time I'd go to the dentist, it would just be like caked on there. And for whatever reason, I didn't eat a lot of sugar at all, especially during my adult life and my dieting days. And I thought I lived a pretty healthy lifestyle. Well, come to find out, a lot of our mouth health or oral health is a byproduct of our gut health and vice versa. A lot of our gut health is derived from our oral health. So suffice it to say, I had gut issues for most of my life, and I actually had a lot of recurrent SIBO, candida, and just overgrowth, bacterial overgrowth, and dysbiosis in my twenties adult life.


And I never really correlated that with my oral health until I began to address my gut help. As my gut improved, I cleared up SIBO, small intestinal bacterial overgrowth. I even discovered I was living in mold at a time and got out of the mold and just cured some of the systemic fungal issues in my body. My oral health dramatically improved, and today I have very little tartar on my teeth and very rarely feel like, you know, I need to go to the dentist. Meaning like I used to feel like I needed a cleaning like three or four times a year just because it was so bad. And all that to say is like health is really an inside job. Your total body health is very much connected to your oral health, and your oral health is a big window to what's going on in your gut health.


Today I'm so excited to have Trina Felber in the house, who is a registered nurse by background, gone primal life organics skincare founder, and now she does body care as well. So all things care, including dental care products and the beginnings of her company, really began in her pregnancy when she discovered that her high-end skincare products were loaded with tons of toxic ingredients that could hurt her and her growing baby. Why didn't these products carry warning labels, she wondered? And worse off, why hadn't she ever read these labels before? All that led her to found the company Private Life Organics, which is the first paleo skincare branded company on the market for over 10 years. And since that time, she's also dove into the world of dental health, and on today's episode, we are nerding out on all things the mouth and giving you a mouth makeover, so to speak.


So I really think today's episode will bless you a ton if you have been using conventional products in your mouth for quite some time. So think about Colgate or whatever the other, I forget all the names of the products now because I really do use all-natural ingredients, but this episode will rock your world if you are looking to uplevel your health in an even mightier way. So without further ado, we'll get to the show. If you're liking the show, please don't hesitate to leave a review and click the five stars button in the iTunes app. I absolutely love and appreciate hearing from you, and it helps us cultivate more health detectives just like you in the world. And, of course, if you need any help in your own health journey, don't hesitate to reach out. I equally love hearing from you on my website,, and helping you create your own healing in your life and helping you heal your root, too, and our amazing functional medicine-based programs over there, helping people worldwide change how they look, move, feel, and think. Okay, that's all. Let's get to the show.

Dr. Lauryn (05:20):

Well, Trina, so excited to have you in the house talking all about primal life dental health, really oral health, which is a topic I don't think is talked about enough and a health mystery out there as far as there's just a wild west. But before we dive in, I would love it if you could just give us a little bit of background about who you are and what got you doing this work that you are doing in the world.

Trina (05:45):

Oh, thanks, Lauryn. It's great to be here mouthing off with you. I love to say that.

Dr. Lauryn (05:49):


Trina (05:52):

I'm a registered nurse. I've been a nurse, oh gosh, since I think 1992. And then, I graduated in 2007 with a master's in anesthesia. So I really have a good grasp of internal health, and I've never been someone who's really loved western medicine and following like one pill treats a, you know, a symptom, and I've never been down that road. So to make a long story short, I've always been a very natural, very healthy person. And I started primal life organics mainly because I couldn't find healthy products. I couldn't find products that weren't loaded with toxins. I discovered that skincare, which I didn't realize, skin and dental care products are just loaded with cancer-causing ingredients. They cause allergies, they're neurological damage, they, they cause so many different kinds of problems. And when you talk about root causes, we have all these mystery things happening, mystery illnesses, and symptoms that we can't explain.


We feel like we should be healthy, but something's just not right. And sometimes it goes down to the products and the things that you're using on your body. And when you stop and realize that most products contain 10 to 20 toxins, you can really become toxic overload very, very easily. And even if those products themselves aren't directly causing injury, they're definitely causing an immune response, which then causes a cascade of other issues. Some of the problems with dental is the nitric oxide production. If you're using the wrong products, you're not gonna be producing nitric oxide because the nitric oxide has to be your balance inside your mouth of your microbiome has to be good as well as your gut in order for nitric oxide to be produced. However, to get to my dental story, my two-year-old daughter had a molar come in, and I had been making skincare products for probably two to three years at this point.


Hadn't dabbled in dental, just was working on skin care. And my daughter, at the age of two, had a molar popup. The molar, we were brushing it one night, and my husband's like, what is that? And I take a look at it, and it looked like it had a cavity. So we took her to the dentist. The dentist took one look at the tooth, and we said, yes, that's a natural cavity. It happened in utero during development. Most likely, I had a bacterial wash, I had a viral flood or some fever, or some stressor happened in my body the exact moment that tooth was being developed. And so a natural cavity happened. So he said it's a pretty significant defect. We'll treat it like a cavity, we'll just put a temporary filling in it because she's two. And the filling will probably last about two to three months, and every time the filling falls out, we'll just decide if we put another filling in or if we just pulled a tooth.


He suspected that the tooth would need to be pulled within a year. And my knowledge of tooth meridians, I knew that every tooth in the body is connected to an organ during development. And that connection goes both ways. Your tooth communicates to the organ, the organ communicates to the tooth. And when that is severed, such as in root canals and things like that, that can never be reestablished, that that connection's gone. So I didn't want to lose her tooth. So when I was leaving the dentist's office, I'll never forget he knew I was concerned. He said, don't worry, mom, we put a temporary filling in it now. We just hope for the best. And I thought, there is no way this mama is hoping for the best. So I started doing my research. I just thought you know what, I'm just gonna see what it would take if you can heal a cavity or make it more healthy or prevent it from getting worse.


And I was astounded to find out that if I kept using the products that I was using, which really was a natural toothpaste at the time, I was not gonna do any good for that tooth. That tooth would be pulled in a year. It didn't have any minerals in it. It wasn't alkaline to support the microbiome and remineralization process, and it wasn't doing anything to help her teeth stay healthy. So I found Dr. Weston A. Price, I discovered his research, and he's a dentist from the early 1900s. If anyone's not familiar with him, he was way before his time he discovered the link between sugar and cavities and really wanted the ADA to omit sugar in the diet. And there were two sides, of course. His side who said sugar causes cavities we need to get rid of it. And the other side that said, oh no, sugar's not bad, we need cavities cuz we need, we need fillings to fill otherwise, where's our business? And the ADA went with the side that said sugar's, okay, we need cavities. And Dr. Weston A. Price basically did his research, but it was very hush-hush. Nobody knew about it. So I was astounded. So I thought, you know what? I wanna go with this guy. I wanna figure out what he found. And so what I discovered through his research was there are three things that the mouth needs in dental products in order to stay healthy, support your microbiome and remineralize your teeth. Remineralization is a natural process. However, because of our diet and our dental products, we are destroying the body's natural capability to remineralize the teeth ending up with cavities. That then results in inflammation, not just inside the mouth but internally, then leads to all the other health issues like dysbiosis in the gut, and the microbiome in the gut.


You have to realize that you're swallowing everything inside your mouth. If it's bad bacteria, you're swallowing it into your gut, heart disease, diabetes, preterm labor, all those things. So to make a short, long story short, I created my dirty mouth tooth powder as my solution to dental issues. And my goal was to get her tooth to one year and one day. If I could get that tooth past that one-year point, I knew I was doing a good job. And I'll tell you that tooth, the end of the story, is amazing. We brushed with dirty mouth tooth powder, she brushed with it as soon as I made it. That tooth fell out naturally at the age of 12, and the original filling that was only supposed to last two months was in place, never needed another filling, never needed any dental work. And that the enamel, her enamel, grew over the filling to protect it so bacteria couldn't invade underneath the actual filling. So that's the story. That's how I got into dental health.

Dr. Lauryn (12:15):

Wow. And how old is she now?

Trina (12:18):

She is gonna be 14 this year

Dr. Lauryn (12:20):

And has a healthy mouth full of pretty teeth.

Trina (12:23):

Oh yeah. My kids have never had any cavities. They've, you know, and I grew up eating sugar, of course, you know, I'm in my fifties, grew up eating sugar, and I have a mouthful of metal, or I'm, you know, replace the metal now with the better stuff. But, so you know, they don't eat much sugar, but they definitely have brushed with the right things.

Dr. Lauryn (12:43):

Mm-Hmm <affirmative>. Yeah. That's amazing. And way to go, mom <laugh> too, and kind of started a new leg of your business too. Something that you said that really was very eye-opening is like, you know, Weston A. Price went one way, and then basically the dental industry, the ADA is that what American Dental Association? Goes another way. And that really they're in business, and they make a lot of money in products, off products that like, you know, are for cavities and for bad dental health. So it would make sense if, like, the diet's not really being talked about and or just like actually healing the mouth in that industry.

Trina (13:28):

What's interesting is, and I know quite a few biological dentists, and they all say the same thing, that you know that during dental school, they're basically taught that they need the cavities, they need, they need to do the procedures to able to sustain their business, which is totally false. That's totally false because if you have a healthy mouth, you don't need to spend your time doing procedures. You just have your dental hygienist doing all your cleanings, and you have more free time as a dentist, and your patients are happier, and they're healthier. It's interesting one of the biological dentists told me that really dentists should be the ones diagnosing your risk of heart disease related to the condition of your gums and the amount of plaque you have. And I was astounded. I don't know of any dentist that is telling their patient you're at risk of heart disease. We need to get this cleared up. So a biological dentist is usually what I recommend when I, you know, when customers ask me, you know, what do we do about our dentist? I usually recommend going to a biological dentist because they have a better understanding of the mouth, the healthy microbiome, and the products to avoid, and what to use inside the mouth to keep it healthy.

Dr. Lauryn (14:41):

Yeah, that's what I transitioned personally to over the past couple of years and never have had cavities but always had a lot of tartar in my mouth, and come to find out, a lot of times our gut, I mean our mouth reflects actually the small intestine, the bacteria, the same bacteria in the small intestine. And I had lived in mold unbeknownst to me for several years and also had recurrent SIBO candida problems because of it. And as I like healed from those things and got out of the mold healed the SIBO, like the tartar in my mouth is like really diminished. It's like normal again, not overly built up. And so I just love how the mouth is really a gateway to our internal.

Trina (15:28):

Yeah, it's that relationship between the microbiome, and it's, you know, what came first, the chicken or the egg, the bad bacteria inside the mouth, did that spark the SIBO? Because really the bad bacteria inside the mouth, if you think about it in utero, a baby doesn't really have any microbiome. They don't really have an immune system. It's not until they're delivered through the birth canal. And the birth canal is where they get the bacteria from the mom's vagina in their nose and their mouth. So with the first breath, they inhale good bacteria, it's supposed to be good, and they swallow with the first swallow microbiome as well. And that is what starts their immune system. This is why vaginal delivery babies have a stronger immune system, and this is why cesareans don't, and if they do sometimes they'll do a vaginal swab into the nose and the mouth of babies that are C-sections.


So they can't start the immune system. But I always say that like your mouth, what's inside your mouth, it's like honey, when you're eating local honey, you're getting the flavor of the environment, the things in that environment, same thing inside your mouth. Inside your mouth is where viruses and bacteria should stop because your saliva has properties in it that are antimicrobial, antibacterial, antiviral. And so, really, most bacteria and most viruses and fungus is supposed to be killed inside the mouth. The problem is, is our mouth is so acidic because the products that we're using and the foods that we're eating that we render our saliva ineffective. So then you swallow these live creatures, and then now you end up with a gut dysbiosis that's either started from inside your mouth or gets worse because now your bacteria since your gut can't protect you against that either.


So it's just really interesting, and the whole phenomenon of the nitric oxide, nitric oxide is, you know, it helps your immune, it's very immune supportive. It's vasodilatory, and the bacteria inside of the mouth and the bacteria and the gut have to be healthy for nitric oxide to be produced. If one of those is not right and not good, then nitric oxide production is greatly diminished and your higher risk of a lot of things, including impotence for both men and women, you know, sexual dysfunction and heart disease and not sleeping as well, immune compromised. Bad breath. When I talk to people, and even as I before I started this company and got into the dental health, I just thought bad breath was a factor of life. I thought that it was normal and waking up with bad breath and bad breath, midday chewing gum, I thought it was just normal.


And it's the very first sign that there's an imbalance in the bacteria inside your mouth. Bad breath is not normal, and you should not wake up with bad breath. The only time you really should have a stale taste in your mouth is when you're slightly dehydrated from either activities that you're doing or even talking. I know a lot of times when I do podcasts, or I speak on stage, my mouth will get a little foul, and it's just because I'm slightly dehydrated from talking so much. The bad breath is the very first sign that you have a problem, and if you don't fix it, that's when you're gonna end up with cavities, gum disease, and then the inflammation of both of those things causes internal inflammation.

Dr. Lauryn (18:45):

So thinking about products, there is a wild west of products. There are also a lot of like "natural" products and or perhaps some greenwashing that happens always in the holistic industry. But can you just kind of break down like what about conventional products is bad? Like fluoride gets a lot of talks, for example.

Trina (19:05):

Yeah, fluoride, I won't even go into mainly because most people understand to some point it's not healthy for you, it's not healthy for your teeth that your, you were not born with fluoride in your body unless your mother had excess fluoride in her body. So fluoride actually replaces your normal healthy minerals in your teeth and in your bones. So, unfortunately, an overdose or too much fluoride can cause problems with bone, not just teeth, and actually weakens the teeth. Then, the actual research on fluoride; the reason everyone thinks fluoride is so good is because the initial research that they did years and years ago, it might have been in the 1920s the initial research showed that it strengthened the enamel. What they didn't tell you, and they buried, is that that research, they continued it and that ultimately showed that the fluoride weakened the teeth in the enamel, and they buried that so no one would know.


But that is the final result was fluoride was not good for your teeth and your overall health. So what to avoid, I pretty much tell people, I'd rather you understand what to look for because, unfortunately, most products out there contain all the wrong things or they don't contain the three things that are essential for good dental health. So obviously, you wanna avoid things that are overkill for the bacteria, and that would be alcohol. So mouthwash, most mouthwashes, I'd probably say about 95% of the mouthwashes on the market, are out of the picture. You should just dump it down the toilet, dispose of it, don't use it. It's doing more harm than good because it's killing not just the bad bacteria but all of your good bacteria. Your good bacteria is what is gonna create the alkaline environment to remineralize your teeth. It's also going to help prevent viruses and bacteria from thriving because viruses and bacteria like an acidic environment.


So alcohol's out because it kills your good bacteria as well as the bad. Anything like sodium lauryl sulfate, triclosan. Triclosan is a bad one. They've studied triclosan, triclosan is in toothpaste, it's in mouthwashes. Triclosan, you will swallow regardless of what you believe. Mouthwash and toothpaste does get swallowed to some degree. No matter how careful you are, you will swallow, and they've discovered that triclosan because it's an antibiotic, it's like it's a very potent antibiotic. It destroys the gut bacteria. So you end up with a dysbiosis in the gut, which really started inside the mouth because you swallowed it. The problem is, what I like to say is if you're brushing with something that has triclosan or SLS or alcohol or peroxide in it, it's like taking an antibiotic twice a day for life. And if you know what antibiotics do to your gut microbiome, it does the exact same thing for your mouth, and let's just call a spade a spade.


Your gut starts inside your mouth. So I always like to tell people that there's no difference between that long tube. The whole tube that goes from your lips all the way to your tail is your gut, it's your digestive system, and it starts inside your mouth. We have to stop thinking that our gut starts inside our small intestine because if we don't stop that thinking, then we've totally missed the first 12 to 14 inches of our digestive system. And that is one of the most important parts because it's linked to internal health as well. So I guess going back, those are the key things I would say to avoid if you're buying one of the C products because most of the conventional products, believe it or not, start with a C I would say you just ditch them. I haven't seen one that is going to actually promote the health of your teeth.


Some of them may not do as much harm because they try to make them more natural. However, when you understand what the goal inside your mouth really is, you'll understand that those products aren't doing anything to promote health. They're just doing their job of cleaning your teeth, and that's really not the function of brushing your teeth. The point of brushing your teeth isn't to clean your teeth because your saliva really if your mouth is healthy, your saliva and your chewing motion and your food itself, the food that you're eating, if you're eating healthy food like carrots and the crunchy stuff at the end of your meal, the combination of all of those are supposed to actually help clean your teeth. So really, the reason to brush your teeth is threefold. And this is really where it links to what is important in your dental products.


So when I was doing my research with Dr. Weston A. Price, the three takeaways I had is that the product has to be alkaline, your mouth has to live primarily alkaline, the foods that you eat. Most of the foods are acidic by nature. So that's the meats that we eat. Coffee most of the drinks that we drink are acidic. Dental products are acidic as well. The more acidic those are, the more the bad bacteria can grow. The more acidic your mouth is, the less your saliva can protect you. And your saliva really is your lifeblood of your body. It's really the, I always say it's the secretion no one's talking about. Your saliva is very important in nitric oxide production. It's important in your immune system. Like I said, it, it has antimicrobial properties to it. It contains the minerals from your body. The only way to naturally remineralize your teeth is through your saliva, but your body, your saliva, and your mouth has to be alkaline.


Your saliva's neutral. It wasn't meant to neutralize a super acidic environment because our foods back in the day, our ancestors, they weren't eating sugar all the time. They weren't eating processed foods that were acidic. They were eating healthy vegetables and meats, and their saliva could function because their mouth wasn't super acidic. It was more of a neutral to slightly alkaline or acidic so that they're, their saliva could semi-neutralize it and then remineralize their teeth. So you really want something that's alkaline. What signifies that it's alkaline? The best ingredient is baking soda. Baking soda in your dental products will indicate that it is an alkaline product and that, therefore, will support the microbiome and remineralization. The second thing that it needs is it needs to have minerals. Without minerals, you will not necessarily remineralize your teeth enough to prevent sensitivities or cavities. Mainly because of all the gut issues.


Like you mentioned, you had SIBO. A lot of people have SIBO, candida, they don't even know it. That leads to malabsorption syndrome. So you're, you might be taking supplements, you might be eating healthy food, but you're not absorbing those minerals. Your saliva then becomes depleted. This is why pregnant women end up with a cavity after they deliver their baby. Because baby takes the minerals from mom to create their own teeth and bone, mom becomes mineral depleted even though she's taking supplements. And at nine months of being mineral depleted, your teeth suffer because your saliva is the weak point. Like your body is going to keep the minerals where they need them the most, and your saliva doesn't need them as much, it's not as imperative. So your saliva becomes mineral deficient, which means you end up not being able to remineralize the, the minerals that you're losing. Every time you eat or drink something that's acidic,


the possibility of losing a mineral from your enamel is high because, during an acidic environment is when minerals leave. It's during the alkaline environment and or an alkaline food or alkaline toothpaste or powder. That's when those minerals go back in. But the key is while it's alkaline, the mineral has to be present, and it's a lock and key. You can't replace a magnesium mineral with calcium. So many dental products contain calcium and phosphorus cuz that's the main, that's like your hydroxyapatite, that's the main minerals of your enamel. However, your enamel also contain silica, manganese, and other minerals. And if, if you lose a manganese, you can't replace it with a calcium. It's a locking key. So that's why one of the main things I love for mineralization in dental products is clay. Clay has a significant amount of minerals, not just calcium and phosphorus.


It contains all the minerals in your enamel. So I always tell people to look for hydroxyapatites very important. We just added it to our dirty mouth. Tooth powder makes a big difference. But also the clay, we blend three different clays because the blend of three different clays is anti-inflammatory but also contains all the minerals that hydroxyapatite doesn't contain. And then the last component that's really important for keeping your mouth healthy is that you have to have something that's gonna detox the tissues of your mouth, the tissues I'm talking about like your gum tissue, but also your tongue, your palate, your soft tissue of your inside, your mouth. Your mouth is dirty. That's why I love calling my toothpowder dirty mouth. Not because your mouth is so dirty, but also because we use dirt or clay to actually cleanse your dirty mouth and then actually make it cleaner and make your teeth stronger.


Clay binds to toxins. So heavy metals, a great portal of entry of heavy metals is through your gum tissue, believe it or not. Heavy metals are in a lot of things that we are not aware of, including water. And water is a component of most dental products. It's a component of a lot of foods that we eat, and a lot of times, it's just tap water, or I call it crap water, and heavy metal is found in crap water. So we are exposed to heavy metals. Even if you're brushing with a toothpaste that uses tap water and the heavy metals can get into your gum tissue, your soft tissue of your mouth, and then work its way into your vascular system because your gums and your mouth is highly vascular. By brushing with a clay-based toothpowder or toothpaste, the clay is gonna bind to those heavy metals very strongly and remove them very quickly. So that's why I say detoxing your tissues of your mouth is gonna reduce the inflammation, help reduce gum disease that's gonna help your gums actually heal or regenerate and help keep your teeth healthy.

Dr. Lauryn (29:35):

Wow, thank you for all of that. That's a lot of good little nuggets there that we can look for in our products and just helps cut through a lot of the weeds and seems like there's a lot of weeds out there, <laugh>,

Trina (29:48):

There's a lot of weeds out there. And what I did, Lauryn, just so you know and your readers know, your listeners know, I put together a dental detox kit, and it contains my dirty mouth tooth powder on morning formula and a nighttime formula. And I also included everything else you need. It's a 60-day supply of tooth powder, and you get a bamboo toothbrush that has activated charcoal bristles. Sustainability, eco-friendly is my mission. So everything that I create is very eco-friendly. It's sustainable. It also contains a copper tongue scraper. If you take care of your copper tongue scraper, you'll have it for life. You'll never need to replace it. You have a gum serum. So this replaces mouthwash. It actually does so much more than mouthwash and helps to keep your gums healthy and fresh in your breath, supporting the microbiome.


And you also get dental floss. The dental floss is a dental pick. It's made from corn starch, so it is completely biodegradable. The string is bamboo, so it's sustainable and eco-friendly, and then it's got charcoal infiltrated into it. So it will help with detoxing between your gums as you're brushing or as you're flossing. And all of these, I'll give you the link because special for you and your listeners. They can get it at a special price, and especially if you order more than one kit like if you have a husband or a wife or children or family members, you can order more in the more of the kits that you order, the bigger that you save.

Dr. Lauryn (31:17):

Amazing. Well, I'll definitely put links in the show notes, and Trina, just where can people find out more about you?

Trina (31:26):

Primallifeorganics.Com is our website, and then we do a lot on Instagram. I have tons of videos on YouTube about dental health and skincare and all sorts of things. Facebook as well. We're on Facebook as well.

Dr. Lauryn (31:38):

Amazing. Yes, I wanna actually the first right Paleo skincare,

Trina (31:44):

The very first paleo skincare. I just wanna mention I know we're short on time. I wanna mention, too, that I created, I know most people want a whiter smile. You will get a much whiter smile just by switching to a clay base that's gonna help erase the stains off your teeth and rebuild your enamel. But I developed a natural teeth winder that uses both red and blue LED lights to help reduce the bad bacteria inside the mouth and help increase blood flow for the gum tissue and reduce inflammation. And then, I created the gel that goes in it or comes with it is a peroxide-free gel that contains everything that I talked about. So it's kind of like on the toothpaste, on steroids, it's the gel has the, it's alkaline, it has the minerals in it, it's an olive oil base, so it's very soothing to the gum tissue and it has essential oils that help support the gums.


And using that with the LED lights will help not just whiten your smile, but help with your breath, help with reducing inflammation, but also it's gonna help build your confidence and do it in a natural way. So I just wanna let you know that because I also have an offer for anyone that is interested through a link that you give. So just make sure you click through the links that Dr. Lauryn has mm-hmm. <Affirmative> because you get a 60%, it's more than 60%, it's almost 70% off the LED kit, and then you get the special pricing on the detox kits as well.

Dr. Lauryn (33:10):

Amazing. I already know some folks that will benefit from that. So thank you so much, and yeah, thanks for helping us come to solve some health mysteries. One question for you would just be, what is like one wellness hack you've been into lately and for your own health?

Trina (33:29):

For my own health, gosh, I do a lot of things. So I guess I have to go with using the light therapy is the wellness hack. And I like to say it's the LED for my mouth because I like to like using red light therapy for your skin. A lot of people use that because they can see the difference in, in the red light. But the hack for me is putting it inside the mouth because I always say when you, when you have a dark, damp space, things always go wrong. Like until you turn the lights on, you never know what's really happening. And that's when the bacteria and the virus and all the bad stuff, the fungus, can grow. But putting the light on, turning the light on opens your eyes and cleans it out. And that's what LED light does inside the mouth. So I do my LED light, I do it probably four days a week, and my smile is, I mean, I always get compliments on how, how white my teeth are and how my smile is, and that really builds your confidence. It totally builds confidence.

Dr. Lauryn (34:25):

I love that. And I've never actually heard about it for your teeth, so I'm really intrigued and can't wait to try it out myself.

Trina (34:32):

Yeah, you know what, I'll send you one so that you can try it. So when we're done with this, just send me your address if I don't have it. And I'll send it to you so you can let your listeners know exactly what you think.

Dr. Lauryn (34:45):